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password is loveneedstodie 


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Once again, great stuff! I did notice a slight error at ~9:33 re: the date listed for the Charles Dance TV version, plus the "suggested time code for viewers to skip to" at ~13:00 is all zeroes, but hey picking up this sort of thing is what guinea pig patreon previews are for!


Loved this whole thing. Phantom is my favorite musical, I had the whole thing memorized back when I was young. Loved seeing you go through (most) of the adaptations. Maybe someday we'll get a definitive movie version that isn't directed by Schumacher and doesn't have Gerard Butler growling all of his lines. As for the vote, I have to go with Nixon just because I want to hear your take on one of my favorite operas, Nixon in China by John Adams.

Kenneth Merriman

Nixon is my uhm... Well I don't really want to say vote... But I am curious as to whether anyone else found Oliver Stone's version incredibly sympathetic.


Never was a phantom fan but my friends and I are gonna watch the shit out of that sequel for Bad Movie Night!


Great episode.


Really liked this one! I would like to add on a positive note, for those that want to know an interesting take on the 'after phantom' story of Erik and Christine, theres a very meta web comic called Girls Next Door (which is a spin off of another comic, but GND is far better in my opinion than the comic that inspired it). It kinda talks about the silliness of their relationship as friends, and deals with the moving on from what happened to an interesting point. The whole thing is silly and ridiculous since its an apartment building inhabited by fictional characters who realize they are fictional, but its a really good read none the less. I actually thing you would like it a lot Lindsay, since Christine Dae is roomies with Sarah from Labyrinth (and Erik is forced to live with Jareth) It can be found here <a href="http://pika-la-cynique.deviantart.com/," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pika-la-cynique.deviantart.com/,</a> she's got a folder for it in her gallery.


I heard an interview for Love Never Dies on NPR, I think it was Webber, where he said the reason he wanted the sequel was because he couldn't believe that Christine would go off and marry the normal guy and then be happy rather than bored.... Talk about a failure to identify with a female protagonist! He'd probably even deny that Christine is the main characters since it's called The PHANTOM of the Opera.


As someone whose sole contact to Phantom is parodies, I enjoyed these a lot. It's nice to finally know what it's really about, and I couldn't imagine there would be so many versions. Brian de Palma's sounds both weird and interesting, while the mall thing is just 'huh?'.

Don Bright

to me, at the least, Stone's version made him seem like an actual human being.... unlike, say, Nixon-Frost, All the President's Men, Futurama, etc etc. But id still rather hear about Elizabeth I.


This video actually got me to start paying on patreon. I feel kind of guilty for watching for literally years before ever paying anything... But, this was an extremely entertaining video, especially for someone who was one of those sad-sack teenagers who luved Erik and collected a bunch of Phantom stuff and... actually saw a fan video you made, I think, like years ago, when it was new on youtube... huh. Anyway, I would so pay more moneys for a full break down on why the 2004 movie doesn't work, with it's Belle et la Bete stealing candle-arms and generally stupid design. Or Love Never Dies, really. =D I also love Tywin Lannister Erik for his stupid hat. He has a doll, too. Yeah. Headless baby doll. Erik is slowly making his final transformation to Dark Helmet... Wish you had included the Wao Yoka Phantom, though. She's kind of a great Erik in a not so great musical that's made almost great by how camp the all-female version is. And, it's sort of cool that there's a theatrical troop that exclusively caters to the idea of replicating female desires... with huge feathers and sequins, but still.


Great episode right there. Possibly the best so far. And such a difficult pick for the next video!

Kyle Williams

I'm generally not into musicals but I really do need to check out a good version. The only one I've ever seen was the 2004 version, which may be why I never made much effort to look into Phantom any further. However, your video did make me do a "Whaaaaa???" reaction when I realized Gerard Butler was the Phantom! Since I saw it in the theater in 2004 and 300 didn't come out until 2006 I had no idea who he was then and never gave the movie any more thought once Butler became a household name.

Jack Phillips

I vote for Nixon. I find that time in American history fascinating and I would love to see you talk about Futurama.


We need a password now to watch the video? :/


I have an idea for the next voting theme (much thanks for this video for giving me the idea). After watching this video and contemplating on the idea of toxic love, the next voting theme should be; revenge-driven "romantic" leads. 1) Edmond Dantes from "the count of monte cristo. 2) Heathcliff from wuthering heights. 3)hamlet from hamlet. Incentive for this theme is everybody's favorite cinnamon roll, tom hardy played Heathcliff in the 2009 mini series version of wuthering heights.

Paul Grodt

at 9:34, "1943"? that cant be right, can it? (I hate that my first comment after becoming a patron is a nitpick. I hope I am wrong. I seriously love and agree with your interpretations.)


I'm sorry about your loss, Lindsay.


This was so much fun! Made me want to watch it for what would be the 4th time lol &lt;3


Hey Lindsay, I kinda need to stop pledging 10 bucks a video :( I'm trying really hard to make ends meet. It has nothing to do with the quality of the videos. I still think you're amazing and worth every penny. I will go back to 10 bucks as soon as I can.