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Lindsay is back with new co-host Princess Weekes for a fresh season of It's Lit via PBS Digital Studios! The first episode is all about fan fiction. We'll be sharing a new episode with you every 3 weeks while we also continue to work on the videos for Lindsay's main channel. Thank you for your support here on Patreon for making all these projects possible! 


The Case for Fan Fiction (feat. Lindsay Ellis and Princess Weekes) | It’s Lit

Welcome to It's Lit on Storied - stay awhile, and subscribe! http://bit.ly/storied_sub For years writers of fan fiction were shamed, the butt of jokes, and even subject to copyright litigation. However, in the past few years, with the fan fiction writers of today becoming the published mainstream authors of today the past time is a celebrated benchmark of one’s climb to publication. In the season two premiere of It’s Lit, we explore what happened and how fan fiction writers were able to come out of the proverbial closet of shame. Hosted by Lindsay Ellis and Princess Weekes, It’s Lit! is a show about our favorite books, genres and why we love to read. It’s Lit has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Hosted by: Lindsay Ellis and Princess Weekes Written by: Angelina Meehan, Lindsay Ellis Director: David Schulte Executive Producer: Amanda Fox Producer: Stephanie Noone Editors: Sara Roma, Derek Borsheim Writing Consultant: Alexis Soloski Executive Producer (PBS): Adam Dylewski (PBS) Editorial Producer (PBS): Niki Walker Produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelindsayellis https://twitter.com/weekesprincess -----------



Copyright laws are bourgeois. PS my fav fanfic writer to pro maybe Ian Flynn of the Sonic franchise, could have made the movie better :p


That was enjoyable! :) I created a Star Wars fan fic when I was seventeen based on the same day as A New Hope. It was a graphic novel. I stumbled across it not too long ago! Some of the plot points seemed to be echoed in Force Unleashed 2. Odd!


Well done!


Took a crack once at Hitchhiker's Guide continuation on the blank back pages of my copy of "Mostly Harmless". This was a year or two before Eoin Colfer pumped out the sixth book in the trilogy. I notice that fanfic requires a lot of passion (as in A LOTTTTT) and my passion tends to be spread pretty thin between many projects. So whenever any author's expression of love for anything sees the light of day on any platform, that's an automatic kudos from me.


Speaking of RPF (actually RPS in my case), first fanfics that I've ever read were about Linkin Park. And I think it was a hell of a start :D I've tried writing some strange LP/Lady GaGa crossover, but didn't have enough passion to actually write past the first chapter (which was for the best)


I was writing and publishing fanfic back in the 1980s, and knew the folks who had come before. And we'll leave aside filk as fan fic. I think you are really missing the way in which technology, and the definition of community changed fanfic. The outward facing element of fanfic was always for others. The wy in which you discovered who those others were changed with the nature of technology and the nature of community. Star Trek (and accompanying media fandom, such as Dr. Who, Blake 7, Man from Uncle, and later Anime) evolved along the lines of the relevant communities. Star Trek had a unique relationship with Roddenberry and with the fan community, for example, than Tolkien fandom. The Internet changed this in spades because it dramatically altered the nature of community and its definition. it was actually after the evolution of online communities such as those on Genie and Compuserve and AOL in the late 1980s and early 1990s that began to see the emergence of significant PoC and Transgender communities and accompanying fanfic. Yes, "slashfic" goes back to the 1970s, but it was written primarily by straight women for straight women at the time.