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Lindsay has launched a brand new podcast all about musicals! And the first episode is about CATS (are you surprised?)

Subscribe and listen to it on your preferred podcast app now. You can find it everywhere under the title "Musicalsplaining," but here are some links to get you started:

Apple:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/musicalsplaining/id1497762464  
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7iRwCh450ZrLeAxuRjyrJo
Libsyn:  https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/musicalsplaining
PlayerFM:  https://player.fm/series/musicalsplaining-2614332/ep-01-cats
podtail:  https://podtail.com/en/podcast/musicalsplaining/ 

RSS:  https://musicalsplaining.libsyn.com/rss


‎MusicalSplaining on Apple Podcasts

A podcast to unite people who love and hate musicals A podcast to unite people who love and hate musicals 01: Cats The inaugural episode in which Lindsay and Kaveh review the original stage musical Cats, as well as the 2019 Tom Hooper abomination. Lindsay says "cats" a lot and Kaveh gets angry.



cats cats cats cats cats cats cats CATS Words cannot express how excited I am to know that y’all are making some sweet sweet consumable video content about the most jelicle movie of the previous decade. Thank you from all of our eyes for waiting for the Blu-Ray.


Say no more!!


What a treat for my friday weed shopping


Man, I love Lindsay, but that was a painful listen. A rare thumbs down!

Tom Painter

This podcast was great! Eagerly anticipating more!


Subscribed! In light of the Patreon early access thing, should we hold off on sharing that this is a thing other people can subscribe to? Asking for a friend. (Asking for all my friends.)


Oh my god! Lindsay, I think you and I had the same “Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber” cassette tape in our parents cars! It’s how I got into musicals (My first part was Jacob in Joseph). I also remember distinctly being really shocked via that cassette tape that Memory from Cats was a pretty good song. I really dig this podcast as someone who just by osmosis acquired the lyrics to every ALW property. No escaping it, even as mostly a stage hand and carpenter.


Very excited for this!


Newsies again? Please


will it be a weekly or monthly podcast?

Jessica Grimwood

This was a painful listen, but I will reserve judgement of the podcast as a whole for when you are not trashing a musical that I love. To answer the question "Who is Cats for?" I believe that you have to like cats, and/or like ALW music, or similar musical style, and/or like dance, and/or like the poems of T.S. Eliot. It is not for everyone, and I would beg that you not judge us harshly.

Jessica Grimwood

Also, if I may ask, what exactly do you consider to be racist about the number Macavity? I genuinely don't know. I get what you're referring to when you say the same about Growltiger, but your assertion about Macavity bewilders me. (P.S. Hi, Elisa!)


This is a great new piece of um, content! Starting with Cats is crazy and I think this has the energy of craziness about that. It seems like you guys are good friends and can have some good chaotic positive energy with each other so I'm looking forward to more discussions. (I grew up with The Music an so I really hope you guys both like it)


I've never understood some people's problem with the word content, digital media created for entertainment / education / stimulation / consumption needs to be called something and just calling it content is more efficient / less confusing than labeling everything by every possible category.

Jack Atherton

This was great! You two are really funny together. Would you ever do [title of show]?


And of course the first episode is about CATS! 🖤 Okay in listening to this right away...


Please put your podcast on Stitcher....


I cannot WAIT for Love Never Dies...


Any chance of being uploaded on YouTube?


LOVED the episode! Had me scream out the word 'content!' while cycling home at 9pm at night. I think Kaveh really will like Les Mis though.


I’m glad to read above that I’m not the only one who had problems with this first episode about musicals. I LOVE musicals, including Cats, and although the new “Cats” movie wasn’t the best movie ever, the music was still awesome and it was enjoyable for my husband and me. But what I did not like about this episode is that you spent FAR too long in the beginning saying over and over and over and over how much the other guy hated musicals in general and Cats in particular... I understood the concept (although not the dislike) that he didn’t like these sorts of things in the first minute. You didn’t need to spend... what? half an hour? ... saying it over and over. At any rate, although I enjoy all your other videos, I couldn’t even finish listening to this one and felt very disappointed. I hope the rest of the musical episodes are better.
