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How To Get A Book Deal in Ten Years or Less

Pre-order Axiom's End - get a book in eight months you totally forgot you bought! http://bit.ly/AxiomsEnd Twitter - @thelindsayellis Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lindsayellis



10/10 subtitle


Helpful! Im writing a stupid fantasy book. I think ima just publish on amezin. oh and I'm totes excited to read the book! I bet it is really good!! : )


Really looking forward to the book. Also, I love seeing Spinning Silver in your bookcase. One of the best novel I have read in a long time.


Right now I'm slowly researching how to publish a graphic novel adaptation of an existing book, so absolutely different beasts, but it helps a lot to see how traditional publishing works, especially not by someone who sugarcoats it or avoids mentioning the struggles or the slowness of it all, so thank you for this video!


Your experience sounds very familiar and I'm really looking forward to reading it!!


Lovely to hear from you again! The publishing slog sounds like a time and a half but I'm super excited to see the fruits of all your labour :')


For someone with absolutely zero experience in the "publishing world," and whatnot, this was a very informative and entertaining watch! I'm very excited for your novel, too!

Lawrence Whiteside

Now, I have to pre-order, just to see if I can guess what the San Diego problem you solved was. So intriguing!


How many of the videos you produced were inspired/entwined with the themes that ended up in the book? :)


Really interesting video. I’ll almost certainly be buying a copy of the book and can imagine a good chunk of your fans (particularly the ones here) will too. I hope it does well and that if you then wanted to write another then that that would be less of a struggle. Best of luck


I have preordered the heck out of this!!! Very excited to read it when it arrives :)


My copy has been on preorder since your first announcement and I am hyped as FUCK for this book.


Today's easy decision: pre-order this book! Done, and great video, as usual.


I had to deal with some of this when I tried to publish, and failed. I had read through the book I wished to so many times, thrown it aside several times until I almost forgot about it and then rewritten it. Had several people read through and give their honest opinion. Got help from two published authors. Buuut, I did not get published... because I wrote in English. Oh Well. Book writing has been places aside and replaced with video game creating and comic books (and fanfiction because I can't stop writing). Wish me luck, I'm just stepping through some incredibly difficult industries, but I'm having so much fun doing this.


Great video! There's a rogue "i" in the top left corner at about 30:45


Good to see you again! After stumbling upon a certain old series of videos you made regarding publishing a book, I was hoping you'd mention it ( did you? I was so busy giggling at the Love Never Dies reference that I may have missed it), but I enjoyed everything in the video nonetheless!


Any chance it gets an audiobook?


This is a great summary. Thank you for sharing this process and being so honest. As someone who wrote (and rewrote and edited) a fantasy novel I admire you for enduring and pursuing traditional publishing. I came to the conclusion after re-writing my query letter 4 times that I just wasn't ready, and I didn't think my book, despite being dark fantasy which is sort of having a moment, fit with the market. Or at least I didn't really know who my audience was. I'm actually looking forward to more content about publishing from you, because I think the industry could use some illumination. Best of luck for your book launch!


This was very insightful and informative. It was entertaining as well. I’m very happy for you, Lindsay. This is truly well deserved. I know it’s a publicly derided phrase, but you are one of the good YouTubers. You use your platform for education and to encourage critical thinking. I cannot think of anyone who deserves this opportunity more. I would just like to thank you for all of the videos — they have really helped my film knowledge. This video came out at the right time for me. I’m currently trying to find an agent as an aspiring screenwriter, and, to the surprise of no one — it isn’t easy. This was motivational and a much needed morale boost. I look forward to reading your book and wish you the best of luck on all of your creative endeavors! You will always have my support.


Yes! I won't be narrating it, but a special friend will be narrating (part of) it!


This was highly enlightening, thank you for sharing your experience! Best of luck with the book!!!


Thank you for this. It was actually quite encouraging, not to mention funny and informative.


I went ahead and preordered since you explained how that specifically would help you out. Looking forward to checking this out next year!

Keith D. Jones

Searching for Lindsey Ellis on Amazon didn't work. Searching for the book title worked. Found the preorder link and--wait, it's not coming out for 6 months?--screw it, preordered the sucker. There's entertainment value in that.


if anyone wants even more information about publishing from an author, be sure to read Charlie Stross series of blog-posts https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2010/04/common-misconceptions-about-pu-1.html


I don’t understand what you mean about publishing genre fiction. Isn’t that just anything that isn’t literary fiction, including the currently popular ‘dark fantasy’ genre?


Trad publishing can definitely be a rough ride for authors. Congratulations on making it work for you. That vid was quite a rollercoaster to watch. I queried back in 2012 but didn't want to deal with the rejections so self-published instead. Probably a touch too soon for some of my books, but you live and learn. Seven years later and I'm a full time author with over a million sales. It takes time however you do it. Both to learn the craft, and build a portfolio. Good luck with your release!


Mwahah watching this video was very pleasing in a very masochistic sort of way. Yeah I have my own SF script I'm working on... problem is... people don't publish that traditionally in my country! So I have to you know... find my own original way XD. However I also have this writing club, with loads of people writing the same... and, the specialist bookstores selling science fiction and fantasy... they do a lot better than the ordinary bookstores. So apparently we are thinking about doing some kind of magazine now, and publish stuff ourselves but cooperating with the stores directly... but I just want to write! but this is how it is! aaaaargh!


I really wanna preorder the physical book! But i live in Denmark, so the only obvious way would be through amazon.de or amazon.co.uk... Could you guys recommend a less evil way of getting my mitts on the thing? In the end, supporting Lindsay > boycotting Bezos, but any advice is welcome.


Pre-ordered the book, but can't wait for Lindsay's take on the sloppy mess that was Disney's attempt to make comment on colonialism/reparations in Frozen II. My wine and popcorn await that episode.


So what genres/kinds of books are the most "commercial"?


I hear you on the "it's hard" part. After a few rejections, which I took very hard, I self-publish what I write. It is NOT as good as it could be, if I took more time, and had an editor (can't kill those darlings!); but, I enjoy the process. It will probably always be at a hobby level for me, but it is great to hear the thoughts of someone I respect, about how she did it properly. Thank you for all that you do. I always look forward to your next video. (Cats? yes?)


Does a pre-order on Google Books count towards your publisher's "Give Lindsay a Book Tour" score? I noticed that Google Books wasn't listed as an option on http://bit.ly/AxiomsEnd. Oh, and I hope you can promote your book at a Talks at Google event. (Preferably Cambridge, MA since I'd love to see it in person, but I imagine the Google office in Venice would be more convenient for you. :-)