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Hi friends! This is Elisa, Lindsay's assistant. She is winging her way to Ireland for WorldCon and the Hugo Awards as we speak, but we need to correct something with the Game of Thrones video. She's asked me to reupload it, which I am going to do right now, but that means deleting the existing one. So if you have any trouble watching the video in the meantime, we beg you to be patient while we experience technical difficulties. I'll drop a note on this post to let you know as soon as it's all finished and reuploaded. Please stand by, and thank you for understanding!
ETA: The video is back up! Just click the link on Lindsay's original post.



For those of us who've already watched the video, can we get the nature of the correction? Thanks!


I was about to say... can't believe I missed it! :-O Hope somebody downloaded it, or can at least summarize it.

Tamashi Toh

You mean I'm going to have to lavish praise on her a second time?


So, I'll have to watch it again!! :-)

Eileen Nguyen

Not related to the video, but congratulations on your baby, Elisa!


I. Am. Nothing. If. Not. Patient. And busy. I'm also terribly busy. So I missed the video before it was taken down.


Thank you!! Can you believe she's 5 months old already?? Where is this year going? --Elisa

Martin Robertson

Thanks for the heads up, Maven. :) And sincerest congratulations to you and Paw.


Enjoy Dublin Lindsay. Avoid Temple bar, it's an overpriced tourist trap.


Heh. I was watching it this morning. Paused to feed the dog. Came back and NOPE! Assumed YouTube was broken. :)


I was most of the way through watching it when it cut out. Now I have anticip................. I like it very much so far. Also this is what finally got me to join Patreon which I’d been meaning to do, and that in turn caused me to pledge to some smaller lesser known creators while I’m here so uh thanks for motivating me to actually financially support people with an hour long rant about Game of Thrones. <3


What're you changing?


I'd assume the bit where a titlecard popped up early for a split second.


The new upload is finished and processing and will be available to watch here: https://youtu.be/BGr0NRx3TKU I've also replaced the link on Lindsay's original post with the video --Elisa


lol I literally signed up as a patreon just this second then saw the video was processing, lol. Can't wait! Eeeeeeeeeeeee :D


Thanks Elisa!


*Reloads* Youtube still processing...


Thanks Elisa.

Crescent Minor

Okay, it's kind of funny that Lindsay was so embarrassed by what I'm sure is a small error that she felt the need to yank the video that is expressly a draft and fix it before Patreon sees it; funny because I did the same thing as a kid and I do the same thing now. Artists, eh?


Thank you all again so much for your patience and for supporting Lindsay's videos here! As you know, deleting a video before reuploading a replacement isn't something Lindsay usually ever has to do (usually if we upload a new version, we can leave the old version up in the meantime, but YouTube wasn't having it this time). I'll see you all in the comments --Elisa


was it the 1 frame of JON SNOW title card just before the actual title card?

Haldon Lindstrom

Thanks for the update! You and the whole team do a great job, especially with updates to videos.


Thank you, Elisa. And Angelina and Nella too.


I've never seen GoT but after nearly 2 hours of Lindsay ripping it apart I feel very happy I never wasted any time on this show. Thank you for your service.


Thanks for the update! Best of luck in Ireland!


I missed S8. I typically see it when it comes out on disk because I prefer to throw my money to creators on patreon rather than streaming services but I honestly don't regret seeing the previous seasons. S1-4 was really good. I loved it. Honestly, Lindsay was right when she mentioned that we complain because we care. If GoT was just another blah show, no one would care. But it wasn't. It was special, and that's what makes the later seasons so disappointing. It forgot what made the show great and instead falls back on typical fantasy tropes, contrived plots, heroes are right and always live. It's just a shame that they ran out of book material to adapt.


I’d guess it was the 10-15 seconds of black during her conclusion that I think was supposed to have a clip.


Did you guys just sort of forget something?