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This is not  the final file - planning to release it to the public on Monday. We had a little ish with the Patreon credit font, so if you're wondering why it's Courier New... that's why. Will fix that this weekend.

If there are any corrections necessary for the credits, send us a message.


How Aladdin Changed Animation (by Screwing Over Robin Williams)

"After all, you've lied to everyone else, I was starting to feel left out." Twitter - @thelindsayellis Patreon.com/LindsayEllis Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator



Christmas in May?? :^)


The thumbnail and the unsubtle disdain for Shrek in the first two minutes. "Chef's kiss"


I am so glad you mentioned FernGully!


I audibly gasped when I got the notification for this. Thank you for your work. 😭😊


So glad to see this. I really missed the essays (as a person and as a teacher who has often been using the videos in the classroom).


Video unavailable — has it been taken down for some reason?

Kathrin Shawcross

What a heartwarming ending ❤️ Another amazing video


Loved the video. So excited to have something new from you. Do you really need to include the picture of Weinstein? I appreciated Mikey's treatment of cancelled a**hole in his Baby Driver video.


Petty a-hole is very on brand for Katzenberg.


Was watching it and had to put it down to do something - video unavailable?


Very excited 😊

Paul Ganzevoort

Excellent video! <333 One nitpick, the bit that starts 00:20 and the bit that starts at 1:55 (both about the kind of actors used in animation pre-Aladdin) sounds quite samey, like it's the same piece of script left in at two different points.


Getting video unavailable. And I'm not the only one. Never mind, I opened it in youtube instead of the imbed and it works.


One little thing you might want to fix: it's a bit confusing seeing two Dreamworks trailers after a line about Dreamworks knock-offs.


Blue Sky's first film being released by Disney is Spies in Disguise, in which Will Smith is a spy transformed into a pigeon. I can't help but crack up whenever I pass by the poster at my local AMC, still in disbelief this nonsense is somehow a real movie.


Using audio of Enya's "Only Time" underneath the Katzenberg bits was a very good touch :`D


Video unavailable?


I was waiting for that clip of Simple Plan when you showed the Beauty and the Beast direct to video sequel


Hey welcome back!


No, YOU'RE crying over a video essay about Aladdin, shut up.


Video unavailable over here too :(

Crescent Minor

Hey, I wasn't expecting you back this soon! (Not sarcasm, babies take all of the time). And what a video. What you did at the end there, pairing the quotes from his interview with moments from the movie, I didn't realize what you were leading us to until I suddenly felt like crying. And fuck, it just hit all over again.


Peculiar audio burble near the end around 23:00. Apart from that, a wonderful piece to add to the LE collection

Lindsay Nelson

Thank you for another wonderful video (ah, confusing Ferngully memories). And for making me tear up at the end.

Joe G

Much as I love the epic productions like the Hobbit trilogy and Authenticity, it's always nice when you go back to the meat-and-potatoes of in-depth autopsies of Disney under Eisner. Welcome back team!


There was a time that my mom sat by Eric Goldberg at a con once. She was there to advertise her books and Eric Goldberg was there for the same reason. He was nice and cheered up my sister who was 2 at the time by drawing Bugs Bunny and impersonating him too.


“Video unavailable”


Video is unavailable

Vladimir Barash

"I'm losing to a BIRD!" Never change. Also sob Robin Williams. :( :( :(


Yeah video unavailable for me too:(


So sad it’s not working! I was saving this for tonight LOL


The real question now is whether it's better to lose to a rug or to a bird.


...okay, you made me cry at the end, there. :'-( Well done.


I love the things I learn when I watch one of your videos.


GUH sorry I have been at a Thing all day and my attempts to leave a comment haven't worked - if you see "video unavailable" I don't know why - this one is demonetized but there should be no problem playing it, but opening it outside of the embedded player does seem to fix the problem.

Dave B.

Robin Williams was genuinely one of the greatest improv actors that has ever hit the big screen. I love the story where he would call Spielberg every week while filming Schindlers List and just do stand-up for 15 minutes at a time. If you want more information on how great of an actor Williams was, check out his Inside The Actors Studio interview as well as the Every Frame of Painting episode about Robin Williams. Thank you Lindsay for bringing back such warm memories of a great man.


The ending really got me...I normally close things down when credits come on, but this one I couldn't help but leave it there, because you achieved the heart.


Honestly, it seems like when Disney stopped selling their animated movies on its A-listers and went back to (mostly) B/C listers, they funneled all that Phenomenal Marketing Power into the live-action remakes, which seem to be devouring the Disney animation department like some wretched, self-referential ouroboros. Like, 80% of those damn things are just yoinking early 2010's tumblr fancasts and then funneling real billions of dollars into them. "Hey, remember how you loved Emma Watson as a character who liked books? Well, here's Emma Watson, as our most famous character who likes books! Never mind that it's completely superfluous; we didn't recast James Earl Jones as Mufasa so Lion King's gonna be REALLY good, guys."


Great video! Glad the hiatus is over. I never quite thought about the impact of Aladdin, especially considering how prevalent it was during my childhood - almost every animated movie I can think of from the 90s, and a good chunk from the 2000s heavily rely on their star power. And it's amazing thinking of how meaningless it is for kids, but how its aimed specifically at parents, who might take their kids to see some gutless movie about Oprah Winfrey as a camel because "Oh, hey I know that lady".


This is great to wake up to :D

Gordon Stearns

Eddie Murphy was pretty good in Mulan though


Hurrah! The Mentor of Meaning is back with smack!


Great work as usual, Lindsay.


Sometimes I wonder if the frenetic energy he carried in his persona still managed to influence excellent animated films, whether subconsciously or not, such as spider-verse. I wonder how he would feel about animated shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Over the Garden Wall, Tuca and Bertie, Bojack, Steven Universe, etc. While it's a shame that Disney went against their promise, I think Williams influenced the animation world in positive ways that I don't think he ever realized.


Wonderful as always, although I feel like getting Billy Joel and Bette Midler for Oliver & Company isn't quite like-for-like comparison with the films around it. Wasn't the gimmic there that they'd cast famous singers then had them write the big song their own character sings? It would be more like if Elton John had been cast in The Lion King and sang Circle of Life in character while playing a cartoon piano. Might be relevant/interesting to mention the celebrity musical aspect, but I realise there's only so much time and the importance of keeping to the point the essay is making!


If this is not the final version of the video, one small suggestion: the part about voice acting being the territory of character actors and c list celebrities is repeated almost verbatim in the first 2 min. Guess you could cut one of them.


The video still doesn’t seem to be working for me :(


I fanboy squee when I saw this on Patreon, Avengers didn't do that


You could add that voice actor Billy West throwing shade at Katzenberg use of celebrities


I have no context for Meg Ryan outside of Anastasia so it always worked for me. (dances to Batty Rap on a loop)


This video got me excited for the Aladdin remake just like watching LOTR got me excited for the GoT finale tonight


As someone who loves both Shrek and basically everything by Lindsay, can someone explain it?


Video unavailable 😢


Wow, this is like a reverse ”Leaving Neverland”, sort of. Poor Robin!


The more I hear & see about Robin Williams the more I love him & the more I’m sad I’ll never get to see him old. If anyone wants a sweet sad movie The Fisher King is with Williams as a homeless man falling in love & it working out

Sean Fineran

This was excellent, Lindsay! It is sad to see inspiration and heart be the lesser of a reason to make a movie. Like you said there are exceptions, which are great. But the industry is certainly worse off for it.


This is why I love Lindsay Ellis videos--they all have heart.


I am only 8 minutes into this, and I love it so much. You give me so much life, thanks for this.


Finished it and WHY, CAN'T, I, STOP, CRYYYYIIING!!!!!

Don Bright

i had this image of Pocahontas secretly recording John Smith's racist ranting, and then releasing it on social media.


Now, as I do so often, I ponder how the masterpiece The Emperor's New Groove fits in relative to other Disney movies.

Rich Stoehr

Excellent, as ever. Though I hate you a little for reminding me how much I miss Robin Williams, his wisdom and his huge heart. Damn you, you brilliant woman.


Fan for a while, brand new patron. Found your work when an NPR podcast pointed me to the Hobbit series and our opinions and frustrations with the first movie were point for point identical. I’ve since watched most of your work and shared some with friends. You have a sexy brain, thank you for creating!


2 days to get to 1 million views. Nice job.


Legit devastated that I can't reasonably use this magnificent "petty asshole" image in my paper on the fall of the Disney renaissance... Thanks for putting the sources in the description btw !


Great video. Picked up a BRAND shirt because I think the idea is low key very funny.


Loved this video and wanted to congrats on the Hugo Nom! Absolutely deserved.