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Part of the fun fun fun of content creation is the mixed messages you get - I've had several people lament that I haven't done any Loose Canon episodes in a year, but by that same token I've gotten way more growth and engagement in this last year by doing freeform style video essays, and just as many people seem not to miss it. So while building a schedule for the first quarter of '18, whatchy'all think?



I like both loose canon and video essays, and the transformers videos. You opinions always interest me.


You could start exclusively talking about different cheesemaking processes and I'd probably still enjoy it.


I really like both types of videos, so I'd be happy no matter what you do. I think I like the essays a bit more, though.


If I HAD to pick just one, no question I'd pick the freeform essays. But it would be cool to see Loose Canon return in some limited fashion (maybe sticking mostly with the format you used for the mini-canons?).


Frankly, your vids are always high quality, intresting and great to watch. I'd love both, but if I had to pick, I'd say the freeform essays.

Huebert Keeper

I like your free-form essays, but the episodes of loose canon for characters you really liked like nightcrawler or Phantom of the Opera are really interesting. So please keep doing free-form but if you feel like a character is a good fit for loose canon please please do!


If I had to pick, freeform essays. They're high quality, well researched, and super super interesting


Really, whatever videos you make are always well thought out, interesting and funny too. And I mean as long as you're interested in it, it will be a good video. Trying to limit yourself sucks. Make the videos you want to make.


Honestly whatever you want to make is a gift.

Jennifer Miller

I'd leave it up to dealers choice. While I would like to see more studies of characters, your essays have been eye opening on many levels. Your Producers video was especially perfect.


While I lean slightly towards the freeform option, ultimately, I would love to see you do whatever strikes your fancy the most.


I’m leaning more towards freeform stuff and from time to time cover something for the Loose


I binged on Loose Canon after watching the video essays. Maybe as a supplemental to the video essays. But definitely prefer video essays.

Aaron Porter

Whatever you find more interesting to create will be more interesting to watch.


I just want you to make stuff


I'd say do whatever you want. Sure there were some Loose Canons I'd have liked to have seen, but I've enjoyed all the video essays, immensely. Just keep providing us with the quality content you always have.


I'm a new Patron here, but I love both formats. I'm a bit of a sucker for Loose Canons but I TOTALLY get that they take a lot more work and research. In a perfect world where videos materialize out of thin air, I'd love more Loose Canons. However, I voted "both" because quite frankly your essays are amazing too. In my experience, the key to growth and engagement is quantity and consistency. SO if the freeform essays are what get you Patrons, Subscribers, and growth, definitely do that! We're here to see you succeed no matter what!

Ryan Aston

I prefer the freeform video essays - I feel like you've been able to get deeper and more comprehensive on those topics. Also sorry to see you were driven away from Twitter, that really sucks. All the best for your 2018.


I really loved Loose Canon, but honestly, I think I prefer your freeform essays.


Honestly I don't mind. I think they're both really good, and trust that whatever you make will be well made and thoughtful. I like loose canon, they're fun, and illuminating, whether I know the characters or not. But I totally appreciate that it's annoying to repeatedly get the feedback "Why didn't you include my fave?". The essays are always well researched and interesting.

Gordon Stearns

Loose Cannon is a lot of fun, but I think the freeform essays let you go into more depth. Those are the ones I'm likely to walk away from really feeling like I've learned a lot, whereas with Loose Cannon, I mostly just have a good time and move on. Still, I enjoy both, and I agree that if you do what interests you the most, we'll probably get the best outcome.


I always learned a lot of fun and interesting stuff from the Loose Canon episodes, especially when you touched on historical figures and/or events and mythology. I'd love to see new ones, maybe one a trimester? Even in mini-canon format.


I prefer the freeform video essays a lot honestly, but I did think the Loose Canons were fun. Ultimately I voted for the Video Essays but my real answer is pretty much whatever you feel motivated for creatively. You're one of my favorite new media personalities and I trust your judgement for your own content.


I prefer your freeform essays, not because I think Loose Canon ia bad, but because your freeform essays are always way more interesting to me. I agree that I'll watch whatever you put out though.


I really love both, but I also remember that you've explained how much time and effort the Loose Canon videos take that makes it more difficult to produce on your end than the video essays. So if I had to pick between one or the other, I'd prefer video essays, though I do really miss the Loose Canon vids.

David Majors

I will always appreciate Loose Canon, because I will always appreciate your humorous side. Your freedom work is more straight-laced, but I wouldn't trade it.


I enjoy loose cannon but I LOVE the essays. I'd love it if you could do both but if you can only do one, I'd prefer the essays.


I think I prefer the freeform videos but I definitely like Loose Canon so I'd like both. But given a straight choice I'd say the freeform ones.


While I do PREFER the free form essays and have found them to be by far your best work and pretty much exactly what I hoped you would do someday back when I was watching "The Nostalgia Chick," I do like Loose Canon. It would be nice to see it pop up every once in a while because it's such a great concept and I love seeing different iterations of character. But I definitely prefer the free form essays.


I enjoy loose Canon if it has something to say about the reasons and how the character evolved. For example the episode about the Notredame and the Hunchback of Notredame was the perfect fusion of essay and loose canon


I dig 'em both. I'm happy with either.


I do enjoy the free form essays more given that they're longer though honestly both are great.


I really do like them both! If it’s one or the other, I’d choose the freeform essays since I think they’re fantastic, but a mix of both would be awesome too. Really, I’d just like to see whatever you feel like making at the time.


Loose Canons where fun, but your free form essays are so informative and interesting. Given a choice I’d say free form all the way!

Kyle Williams

I think the best thing to do is what you are most comfortable with. Loose Canon was great but if you prefer freeform I think it will show in the videos. On a different note, I've noticed your Twitter account disappeared. Was that intentional on your part?


I like both, but there are enough characters and concepts I’d be interested in seeing Loose Canons about that I’d be sad if they stopped entirely.


I just want to add my voice to the choir here. If I had to pick one or the other, then I would go with the free form video essays. However, I would love a few Loose Canon videos every year.


you are a good researcher, i just want to see you talking about stuff, you choose the stuff you want to talk about and i will be glad


Whatever gives you the most interest and personal growth, that's what I want to see. It's your passion and intellect that makes it great.


A sprinkling of Loose Canon would be nice, like 1 or 2 a year ya know? But you do you Lindsay, we support you no matter what


adding to what everyone has already said- i enjoy both a good deal but only do what you’re creatively driven to!

Benedict Marko

Lindsay, as mentioned a couple of times now, you've been on a great streak this year. Personally I prefer the video essays, but the diversity of your content is also one of its strengths, so you should mainly follow your gut in picking your projects. Also, as you've helped people like Contrapoints off the ground, can I use this opportunity to point out another fledgling content creator? I don't think you know her yet: "Malmrose Projects", both on Youtube & Twitter, a trans lady, sociology student and very good analyst of film, music & video games. Her work is really great on the content side, and she has gotten a lot better at presentation over the years. But she is not well connected yet, and of course, as a trans woman, especially vulnerable (the bullying is intense). Merry Christmas! :) Looking forward to more great work from you in the New Year, but take care not overwork yourself. Health comes first!


Am I the only one that enjoys mini-essays most? Like the one about nostalgia? I find that I'm not that interested in Loose Cannon, and the long-form essays take so much work to make that honestly I'd rather have one mini-essay per fortnight than a long-form once a month or less. A mini-essay is the perfect length for a single sit-down and I enjoy it most because of how concise and easy to remember the points are.

Roy Yegerman

Like many others here, I prefer your Free form essays (your Rent & Mel Brooks essays are what initially made me a fan) bu an occasional Loose Cannon would be cool. Also, the twitter things sucks but as a silver lining thing, it's what made me stop procrastinating and become a patron. All the best.


I prefer the free form essays. I've always learned more from them since with that format it's easier to tackle a broad theme.


Definitely prefer free form essays, but maybe a smattering of lose canons?


I'm especially excited for the Whole Plate


I subscribe to you mainly for your essays but chances are if you’re inspired to make something I’ll enjoy it.


I love all of your free form essays, and I love almost all of your loose canon essays (I don’t care enough about superheroes to be engaged by those videos). Maybe you could pair loose canon videos with the free forms? After the Pirates of Caribbean video, you could do a loose canon on pirates in general.


I'm down for whatever

Patrick Furlong

I enjoy Loose Canon a lot and I also enjoy the essays a lot. I’d be quite happy with either one or the other. I look forward to all your content. Thank you for all the work you put into it.


If you're getting the most growth and engagement from your video essays, I'd say stick with them for the most part. If the call for Loose Canon is so great, perhaps just do a couple per quarter? I thought the Hunchback video was a good marriage of the two options but obviously not every video need to follow that mode of analysis.


I don’t watch your loose cannons and I doubt I would if you brought them back. But I’m not going to unsubscribe or anything along those lines if you brought them back.


I don't mind what type of content we get at all, as long as you don't push yourself too hard or stretch yourself too thin


I like Loose Canon's when there is something coming out at the same time to tie in with it (Malefecent, Jedi, ect).


I really like Loose Canon, but your essays are next level. An ideal world would probably be a 1:3 LC/Other Stuff ratio, but honestly if you think it's time to let the Canon rest that's totally fine.


Whatever you’re most inspired to do will be the best content. No use putting yourself in a box too small


I wouldn't mind seeing more loose canons, since I enjoy them, but honestly I wouldn't sneeze either way - whatever you do is always entertaining and informative.


It’d be cool if Loose Canon came back, however your freeform essays have been consistently superb. I’m here for both or just which ever one you feel more passionately about. Ultimately it’s all great.


Honestly, I only ask for LC to return because by chance I was recently musing that "The Punisher" across all his movie and TV incarnations would be an interesting subject for that format.


It’s a pleasure to watch anything you create. You have a point of view and an extensive wealth of knowledge that result in well-researched, though-provoking, quotable, reviews. I’d be happy with either, but I think I lean more towards essay. Honestly, I just wish I could still watch all of your Nostalgia Chick episodes. I miss Daria, and The Addams Fanily, and War of all the Worlds. :) You do whatever lets your creative juices flow.


I love both, but i think your essays are my favorite. and if you like making them the most, and get more out of it, then keep up with them! its amazing to see your growth since i first watched your videos

Tobasco da Gama

I like both, but if it's down to one or the other I'm gonna take the video essays for sure.

Manuel Dalton

I'm here for whatever you want to make.


I did really love how you seemed to incorporate the loose cannon stuff into the Hunchback video essay. I thought it was an excellent blend of both. The LC stuff giving great context and perspective and then you using that to illustrate your point.


You've clearly been upping your game since you started Loose Canon; most of the subjects you latch onto are savory brain food. It is a bit saddening that your Transformers essay series is on hiatus. Can that come back soon?


This sorta feels like being asked to choose between your two favorite flavors of cake. Sure you might be in the mood for one over the other at any given point in time but at the end of the day i really just want both. That being said, I think the format that the video takes matters less to me than the how much you teach me about story telling/film Making in any given video, that and how passionate you are about it . So yeah I guess I'm saying is make what ever you think you would enjoy making the most. I love your content, I've always loved your content, and I'm in for whatever you want to do :)


I second this - like I'd probably pay more in rewards money for a portal where we can watch the full catalog of videos from early Nostalgia Chick to now - the Addams Family is on YouTube, but dubbed over in Russian. xD


I wouldn't be sad to see Loose Canon episodes; they are interesting, but I very much enjoy your video essays; they're always food for thought.


Honestly loose canon I think is far less interesting than the free form essays you've been doing, though I understand they take far longer and therefore generate less revenue for you as a result they are the superior product, at least thats my opinion.


The Loose Cannons were great--I never knew that Hades had such a history! But your video essays are really just a step above everything else. (Especially the Transformers videos. Can I get those in a boxed set?) So I really agree with A.M.. A couple Loose Cannons added to the mix would be great.


I think the loose canon essays are best when there's a lot of content and context for you to tap into vs a simple summation of different versions of x. That's why I've loved the free for essays so much.


If it's only one or the other, I prefer the standalone essays, but I hope there's also some more Loose Canon in the future if possible!


I voted for both, but if push comes to shove, I'd go with the video essays.


I love both shows. Loose Canon has the advantage of being a very unique format, which sets it apart from other video essay channels, and I can think of tons of characters who would make great episodes. But at the same time, because you've got a whole bunch of portrayals to get through, you can't devote too much time to any one. That's why I think the Phantom 2 parter was the best, being spread over two videos really made it feel more in depth. That's the strength of the standalone essays; they are much more detailed and informative. Even things like the "planting and payoff" with Mad Max; you got a whole video out of one aspect of that film, and it was awesome. If you can only go with one, the standalones are amazing. I certainly wouldn't mind the occasional LC as well, especially if you have something you want to say about a character, like with Phantom.


Honestly? You should do whatever strikes your fancy, because they are all great, and you have good instincts. However, the freeform essays, I'm pretty sure I've watched them all multiple times and gotten the most out of them, while Loose Cannon is simply always interesting. Forced choice, freeform. But I trust your instincts more then mine.


Personal opinion: I never found Loose Canon very interesting.


id like to see a some loose cannon episodes mixed in with the other video essays, 2 or 3 times a year maybe? as long as you keep making vids, which always seem to show up when my depression it at its worst, i'll be ok ☺


If it is at all possible to go back and forth between the two I think that would be great!


I prefer your Video Essays over the Loose Cannon. I do not dislike the Loose Cannon stuff, but I enjoy the Video Essays a great deal more. The Whole Plate series you started is what drew me to become a Patron in the first place.

Joshua Gizelt

I like the Loose Canon, and wouldn't mind seeing more episodes, but the freeform video essays are really outstanding. So if I had to make a choice… I mean absolutely had to, I would go with the video essays.


I can understand the mixed message. A fixed format appeals to existing fans more than it attracts new people. The free form are more varied so will attract new people. Make whichever you enjoy making more, the whole point of patreon is that you are not selling content.


Loose Canon topics are always kinda random. Perhaps its because of the Whole Plate series, but I've gotten to liking the continuity of a set of video essays, where you analyze a series from a multitude of angles. Perhaps Transformers/Michael Bay lends itself to that format (it's incredulous to analyze that work from a serious angle, which lends itself well to humour) --- but I wonder what other properties could use that format. Star Wars? The MCU? Even better, the DCEU? Serials aside, I prefer the Video essays you've been putting out, but most importantly, I think as long as you produce content that you enjoy talking about, then we as fans will continue to follow you and watch your content. I've enjoyed both; I prefer the essays... But ultimately I couldn't care less if instead you did videos about the taxonomy of South American snails. I'd still be a patron. Because you'd somehow make it entertaining.


I really have no preference, as long as you keep making things.


I do like the Loose Canon videos and would be fine with more, but videos like the GoTG2 video blew them out of the water.

Kat Green

I mean, you already covered Nightcrawler and Death, so I got all my faves. I'm with the general consensus-- I watch/support your work because I enjoy your humor, insight, the obvious time and effort you put into the research and writing, and because your personal interests, as far as they've been expressed in video (Disney, history and criticism of film, ...) are also interesting to me. Duration and format of the videos doesn't matter as much to me, personally, so if you have the opportunity to respond to viewership metrics by prioritizing content/formats that get the best response (be it views, shares, new patrons), that's positive all around.


I find your video essays more interesting. I feel like I am getting an excellent intro course in Film Studies by watching The Whole Plate... it's increased my respect for the discipline

Daniel Haas

I remember there being two general types of loose Canon: one which looked at the evolution of a character in the public consciousness over time, another which looked at the evolution of our public discourse and used a character or other idea as a lens to discuss and reflect. I loved the latter while being kinda bored by the former.


Loose Canon was fun, but I'm REALLY digging the video essays you've been putting out lately.


I like both. If you feel up to a few loose canons a year, that'd be cool; however, I imagine it can be a bit time-intensive to pull off that series, so I'd understand if you'd prefer to spend your efforts elsewhere.


I guess I'm that weirdo who didn't really like loose canon? I much prefer your more free form stuff.


I enjoyed your Loose Canons, but I think your freeform essays are even better. You get to be more through with a specific topic and point, I think they're more informative and tighter.


I think you ought to work on whatever it is you're most passionate about and excited to work on. Some of those topics might be more conducive to the Loose Canon format than others. We'll watch and support you either way! I personally love the longer freeform videos, but I've loved your Loose Canon stuff as well.


I love the Loose Canon episodes, and would definitely love to see more. However, I also think your more free form stuff is awesome as well, and I wouldn't want to lose that. In particular, I think your Hunchback video might be one of the best things you've ever done. So I guess I'm saying...can we have both? Probably not super helpful, but there it is.


I love Loose Canon, but I'm pretty much down for wherever the muse takes you. I've been loving the Whole Plate, even though I've never seen a single Transformers movie. (I think that goes to show your talent at making stuff understandable and being, you know, amazing.)


I’m voting both, because I did like Loose Canon, but the free form reviews are just as entertaining and engaging. I think you should do what makes you the happiest, because even back to the N-Chick days, whenever you were working on something you enjoyed the quality was always the best and you always had more to say and we’re all here because we like to listen to you talk about things... and the memes. But mostly to hear you talk. 🖤


Loose Canon was fascinating, but the same can be said of the free form video essays. The way you dove into the pop culture history of a topic made it really cool to follow and was always more than a little entertaining. You are at your very best when you are doing stuff you like, and so I'd do whatever feels right to you. If you liked doing the Loose Canon stuff, go back to it, if people bitching about not seeing their favorite character represented via this one niche representation, that's kinda their problem. I have been more than impressed with both styles, and I think you should do the things you are interested in.


I don't say much in places such as this but, if you're doubting yourself, I trust your instincts when it comes to suitable essay formats after this many years. Concentrate on finding something that you enjoy doing enough to get to the end.


I really like your freeform essays, especially when you really dig deep into something close to your heart. I've been excited to see your work develop this year!


I've got to admit, now that I'm getting more freeform video essays I've sort of lost interest entirely in Loose Canon. I can see why you left it by the wayside (the structure, someone always complaining about their favorite being left out) and I genuinely think your current structure and approach is better. If you go back to Loose Canon, obviously I can't complain, but I can't say I'll watch them, either.


I like the video essays much more than loose canon, only because you dive deep down into one aspect of a piece of media which is always more interesting than a survey. That's not to say that loose canon wasn't interesting


I love the new format, but have been missing the Loose Canon episodes. I really enjoyed seeing how different characters have been portrayed in different ways.


My favourite part of Loose Canon is how popular culture views change over time, regardless of the character under analysis. If I could choose anything I would love Loose Canons of broader subjects, things like "The Disney Princess/Female Lead", "LGTB characters in movies", "Villain trends" "USA President". Stuff like that.


So I chose why not both because I think that variety is the spice of life and therefore more kinds of content the better. But at the end of the day, your content is always at it's best when it's something you're interested in. So while I would love Loose Canon back to some extent, I wouldn't want it to be a choir for you. So honestly while I appreciate you asking us this should be your decision!


You've done a great job bringing such a huge variety of topics to life without compromising the quality of the content, thank you for all your hard work! :)


Loose Canon was nice, but I prefer the analysis of your video essays. Although, I do enjoy both.


Either one is interesting and creative


I'm happy with either one


Any content you make is 100% welcomed in my books, I've been a fan of all of your work since the very beginning whatever format that has taken. But with that said, your video essays are by far my favorite content of everything you've ever made, while Loose Canon was usually middle of the pack or so. So I'd personally prefer more essays, but would still watch everything regardless.


I thoroughly enjoyed all of the video essays! Even if the subject or film is not something I would typically interested in, I do know that the analysis, perspectives, influences will be great to watch no matter what the subject. I've enjoyed some of the Loose Canon videos, but I personally find them harder to get into, as if the character or subject are much more specific to just one topic instead of a movie or series, so if I don't know much about the subject of Loose Canon, I feel I won't understand or enjoy the video. I'd feel more drawn to watch a 30 minute or multi-part analysis of the cultural impact and influences of a single X-Men film or the series (even though I haven't watched them, but have a general understanding of the universe, the fanbase, the characters and the history), then watch a Loose Canon video Mystique, or another specific character or archetype that I don't follow or have an understanding of.


This probably isn't all that helpful, but, honestly, i'll gladly watch anything you make. I always have. The Loose Cannon stuff was great, your free form essays are some of the best in the genre i've ever seen.


I'm horrible, in that I both want Loose Canon to return, and also really enjoy the video essays, and thus asked for both. I'm sorry!


I think variety is the spice of life. I've thoroughly enjoyed your freeforms and hope to see more of them, but would also be interested in seeing shorter works once in a while.


Not to denigrate loose Canon, I loved them to bits, but I think they were best for a time when you were still transitioning from a more traditional channel awesome style with added analysis to a more in depth essay style focused on nuance and context. The new video essay style is more engaging and more substantial. The virtue of the loose canon was that it was fairly digestible and made


I enjoyed Loose Canon but take your point about people querying why things weren't included being annoying. (By way of analogy) in my masters of research thesis (just completed and graded), I got feedback talking about what wasn't there, specifically why I didn't talk about 'Magic Realism' in my essay about the pressure of the real on early twentieth century fantasy/mermaid texts. And it's kinda, yea I guess, but I literally did not have a paragraph to spare for Mr. Marquez and his one hundred years and I was dubious about the relevance. Wherever you go, people will assess your work according to "thing I already know about" and get excited if they see it, and disappointed when they don't. I'd want a free-form essay about that as a phenomenon, as prerequisite to any "loose canon" revival.


I started following you because of the deep and insightful video essays, but also enjoyed catching up on the more casual Loose Canon stuff. I don't know that they're any less strenuous to produce, though. (You have to wade through more material, but it's not as important that you have anything profound to say about the subject, so I feel like the stakes are probably lower) If that's a consideration, I'd encourage weighing it into the equation. Really, whichever approach you feel more up to working on at any given moment is the right approach for that moment. We just want your best work, y'know?


I enjoyed Loose Canon for sure, but I've gotten a lot more personally from your deep dives into a topic or movie. The Phantom essay, the Mel Brooks one, and film studies through Transformers in particular stick out to me. That said, I've enjoyed every video this year so thank you!


I'm going to echo a lot of people and say that I thoroughly enjoy whatever you put out online.


Which do you prefer to make? I've really enjoyed the freeform essays but I feel like creators do their best work when making something they like, yknow.

Kristian Høy Horsberg

The video essays were how i found your channel, and the reason I stayed.


I liked Loose Canon but I think I enjoy your Freeform Essays more. Just do what you think is most rewarding, I'll watch it either way.


Loose Canon is fun but if I HAD to choose I would prefer the freeform video essays.


When I vote both I don’t mean “please double your output!” I mean that I enjoy your work, and loose canon is one of the styles I enjoy. I’d rather you make what you want.

Lindsay Nelson

Also not to denigrate Loose Canon, but I've really loved The Whole Plate (definitely want more!) and your video essays that focus on a single film (but usually connect that film to so many other aspects of history, culture, and the entertainment industry as a whole).


I liked the loose canon things, but also felt you were growing low on material? in the end so I understood why that got a backburner this year. And I really like your free essays! I really see your education and how good a critic and producer you are and see the potential of how far you can get.


I'm very much a fan of the video essays (especially The Whole Plate), and found most Loose Cannons to be a disappointment. The exceptions I'd make are Hunchback (which was basically a loose cannon), Hillary Clinton (which was an unusual subject to analyse from that angle), and Captain America - and would welcome occasional loose cannons when you think you have something to say about a subject you really want to talk about. But in general they feel like superficial analyses of data points - and only about one step above just going to Wikipedia for research. Meanwhile I've always felt that I learned something significant from the video essays and they've all been very much worth watching (again, The Whole Plate is getting a lot of praise for a reason but they've all been good). Breadth we can get elsewhere. For Depth on film in your video essays you'rein my opinion second only to Every Frame a Painting on Youtube. And Merry Christmas!


What about The Whole Plate?


Also Merry Christmas


Unless there's a particular character you are interested in at the moment, I say keep the videoessays going as main format.


Come on Lindsay, just do all the Loose Canons with only Transformers characters, you know you want to.

Rebel Girl

Loose Canon as a once every other month thing maybe?


I enjoy both, but as someone who has used your videos in college classrooms, I find the videos that deal with film and storycraft and theory to be the most useful.


i generally enjoy LC a lot more if i already have some prior investment in whatever's being discussed. whereas with the video essays, i find them interesting even if i didnt necessarily know or care much abt the topic of discussion. the exception to that is the phantom LC ep, i enjoyed the hell out of that but it was obvious you had way more investment in that subject, i think thats what made it more enjoyable. so id stick to video essays (also would love to see more TWP)


I would love to see some more Loose Canons. At the same time, I really like the videos you have done this year. I find your work in general often gives me either insights I did not have about various works or in some cases, you really have helped me see the reasons for why I felt a certain way that I might not have been able to put into words before. Thanks.


IMO, while I love your Loose Canon episodes and they're all great, only a few get to the level of your freeform video essays - the 9/11 episodes were great as was your episode on Hillary Clinton. That said, I really prefer your deeper dives and if it's a case of "Do I spend more time on Loose Canon or freeform essays?" I'd go with essays. No matter what, though, your content is all GREAT and I look forward to it more than any other YouTube creator, so I don't think there's a way I'll be disappointed here. I think more than anything else, I'd rather see you do content you want to do.


It would be nice if you decided not to completely abandon Loose Canon, maybe 2 or 3 new episodes for the upcoming year. LC was really fun.

Imogen Geier

The Loose Canon videos were fun, and there are some characters I'd just love to see you do (Long John Silver, anyone?) but I think your video essays are overall *better*. Maybe just roll the Loose Canon-style content into your video essays? No reason you can't do a mini-essay about Long John Silver! ;D


Loose Canon is fun, but your other essays feel meatier and I enjoy them more :) I think one particularly nice thing about LC is that it lets fans participate a bit in influencing what topics you pick (or just looking forward to 'em). Which is a really fun thing :D That's really what I'd weigh against freeform topics -- so the suggestion of maybe 2-3 LC's in a year's span might be a good balance?

Chelsea Monk

I prefer your essays but I feel both would be nice . I understand that LC takes a lot time as you would have to consume at lot of content to get a decent overview of the characters (but there will always be people bitching about why you left one particular version out.) I would be nice to see a LC episode every now and then if it were on a character you really wanted to do


I love both honestly—Your Hades loose cannon episode and your essay on Rent are both masterpieces.

Josh Janney

I prefer the video essays. While I really liked Loose Cannon, I feel the format doesn't quite allow for the same amount of depth as your other videos, since you have to cram in so many iterations of a particular character in one video.


I love them both but I prefer the video essays because they focus more on the ideas and culture that inform the media than the media itself, which is more interesting to me.

Bonnie Fiddis

I’m a fan of your content in general, what shape that takes is up to you.


I like both, but I feel it should be more of a "whatever you feel comfortable with" kind of thing. Personally, I would love a Loose Canon on the different incarnations of such classics as "Treasure Island" and "A Christmas Carol," as well as a deep dive into the many incarnations of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" from comics to TV to Film (culminating in the current Michael Bay version). However, you could probably adapt any of these analyses into video essays if you really felt like it, particularly "Treasure Planet," since your latest Disney-centric videos will have perfectly built up to it. Regardless, the execution is entirely up to you, and I'll still watch whatever gets uploaded. :)


Since you asked, I prefer the freeform essays. The fact that they are less constrained makes for a bigger variety of topics and I like that. But both kinds of video are very interesting and enjoyable to watch. Please create what you feel like doing :)


I love loose cannon but also love your essays. You Hunchback video essay was kind of a blending of the two in that it looked at the ways a story has been changed and reinterpreted, rather than just one character. I’d love to see you do more of those, and may be secretly hoping for a cross over with Maven of the Eventide for a loose cannon/changing interpretations on Dracula.


I'd give my soul for a "Loose Canon: Megatron", but I love your essays too. I'm sure whatever feels right for you will be best.


I personally thought Loose Canon was a ton of fun and wouldn't mind seeing it come back. However, I think the video essays are more interesting and I feel like I get more out of it. I'd like to see both is what I'm saying but whatever you decide is okay with me. I'm going to be watching regardless.


whatever format you choose, I trust it'll be interesting, so... do whatever feels right!


I love lose cannon and would love to see more of it


But your video essay about Mel Brooks had me shooketh it was so good, so I'd like more of that too 😉


I did like what you did with Loose Canon and I even revisit those episodes every once in a while. I think what you did with Hunchback was the best of both worlds. You don't necessarily have to do that for every episode but it's definitely something to consider.


Maybe you can do more mini loose canons about more recent & broader topics, not necessarily about one character or one event but about... like the rise of teenage paranormal romance or shits that would be more about fun and less about researches. If we cannot have both, then I would still prefer the essay like videos (which are awesome)


We love what you do. I think you should choose the format for your video that you think works best for the material. No need to limit yourself.

Robert Griffith

Mix it up! Do a freeform essay, then a Loose Canon, and then a The Whole Plate after that!

Rebecca Richards

Heh, I would love to see both somehow, but I really appreciate the deep dive essays you do as well. If I had to pick between the two, that would win.

Drak Drake

it looks like way more people prefer the free-form essays. I love them, too, though I do miss Loose Canon and how culture affected those subjects. No matter what you pick, I'll keep watching and patreoning ^-^

Robyn Valentine

I love loose cannons but I also love the free form essays. It would be cool to at least see a King Kong revisit if free form is the most popular. Hope you are having a merry Christmas! And thanks for all the great content.

Matthew Abbott

I quite liked LC, but I get that it was kind of a pain and people inevitably do the "why didn't you mention this" thing. It'd be nice even if you only did it once a year.


I enjoy LC, but I really just enjoy seeing any videos you put out. If making LC makes it more difficult to put out videos more often, then I say go with whatever you enjoy most and can do efficiently and well. Maybe a LC every once and a while, like once a year as someone said. Honestly I'll be happy no matter what you put out.


I enjoy LC, but I love it when you simply delve into a subject of your interest, at least that was what the video essays seem like. Maybe only do a few LCs once in a while and put up an alert "I won't talk about every single iteration, so don't tell me that I forgot xy!!" or turn off the comments on those? But in the end I'm fine with whatever you want to do.


I was really looking forward to a trashfire hurricane LC vote for February but I think another topic got picked that year?


I think what's most rewarding to me as someone who watches your content is to see how much more powerful your work is when it's something that's grabbed you on its own. As much as voting for your next project is fun for us, I almost hope you won't ask us. Whether LC or freeform is what's calling to you at any given moment is what I hope will drive you - your passion and intelligence is absolutely what I feel I've signed up for, and whatever it takes you, I know I'll learn a lot in the process. :-)


If I had to choose one or the other, I would choose the free form essays. It would be nice to see lose cannon again, but I really do enjoy the free form as I feel that when you do that, you can just dive deep into your subject matter whereas lc, you have to jump all over the place. I also agree with the comment above too. Do you Boo, cuz at the end of the day that's what we love. :)


I agree with the comments that say to do whatever interests YOU. I enjoyed the loose Canons, but more when you were super invested in the character. And your video essays are reliably fascinating and enjoyable, so I am happy to watch whatever content you come up with.

Xanthippe Pink

I'd love to see both myself. But, to clarify a bit, I really admire and adore the more in depth and detailed free-form videos you do: those are so engaging always! But I do kinda miss the Loose Canon videos as those could be kinda eye-opening and informative about how different iterations of character can be, and they were just plain fun. So, I love love love the work you've been doing lately, but I would quite like to see a Loose Canon pop in now & again. :D


Don't necessarily want to see Loose Canon come back but I do prefer it when your videos have some kind of clear theme or format. Everything you make is great but when it's a review of a specific film or part of a series or something I'm more enticed to watch.


I was looking forward to the rest of the Whole Plate series most.


Honestly, I'm happy when my favourite creators are happy. As long as you feel good about your work, I feel the finished product reflects that. So do what you need to do to feel fullfilled.


I like both, but if you can only do one, I prefer the freeform. :)


I voted for freeform and both. Honestly, I enjoy pretty much all your videos.


Your most recent videos have been my favorite content from you by far - I've been consistently impressed and learned and laughed so much from them. Loose Canon is great, but I strongly prefer the long form essays if it's all the same to you.


I think you should go with whatever you want to do. It would kind of suck if you got creatively burned out because you're doing a series you don't find particularly fulfilling. So, I support whatever you decide to do.


I've enjoyed your Free Form and Loose Canon videos equally. I'd be happy with either direction. Or, if you find you want to ditch both and head off down some 3rd path, I'd be game for that too. I trust your creative instincts.


I selected "prefer freeform essays" because they are so interesting, but I thought your loose canon videos were also really fun. :)


Loose Canons are a lot of fun! I'd love to see them return from time to time! However, I also know that the research process for those videos must be a b*tch, so I don''t blame you if you'd still rather just retire the series. Either way, I love the free-form essays, I love Loose Canons, if I could have both that'd be wonderful but I'm honestly happy with whatever you decide to keep doing. Your videos are entertaining regardless the subject matter.


I selected the freeform essay option, but I'd would really like more the The Whole Plate. Loose Canon, I can take or leave, but I really want more of The Whole Plate.


I'll watch literally anything you post and I think most of your fans feel the same way; I think you should do what is most fulfilling and interesting to you!


I vote for whichever category the Transformers Whole Plate series falls under. Finish it, pretty please.


As a relatively new fan, I found I tuned in to the freeform videos more, simply because I wasn't entirely clear on what Loose Canon was - seemed easier to get into watching standalone video essays than a series.


If there's a topic you think should have a dedicated Loose Canon then GO for it!! I usually find whenever you've got a topic you want to talk about, you put out the best content. But it's true, I've tuned into your freeform essays more often than Loose Canon.


I like both, but I strongly prefer the video essays! If you want to do more of the Loose Canon series, maybe it can be a once in a while thing? I liked LC, but I don't want you to put so much time into it that you're neglecting other projects that you find more interesting.


i enjoy being able to vote on the content. The video essays are great but could you occasionally do a loose canon episode? I really did like the indepth look at how a particular thing changed over time.


Loose canon was great, but I really enjoy the freeform essays.


I've always found your work to be a step above a lot of other content creators. Your analytical approach you take with your video essays is what drew me to your work during your NC days and you've not failed to creator improve and create even more thought provoking work with each new video your release. Keep up the great work Lindsay!


I'm happy with whatever you make to be honest! If there is a subject you want to do a loose cannon episode on, I will be happy to watch that, but I am also happy with your video essays. I have watched the Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 video more times than I can count because of all the things I agreed with and didn't have the words to describe when I first saw it. Obviously you need to create content that is interesting to you and will keep you engaged, so just do what you need to do to be a happy creator =]


Whenever you make content about what's currently inspiring you will always be your best work. Whether it be Loose Canon or freeform video essays. Either way, I'll be here to support you.


I enjoy your content so please continue making what YOU feel like making! Thanks!


I enjoyed loose cannon when it was around but, in my opinion, your video essays are by far your best work. I sometimes felt with loose cannon that, because of the sheer number of things you had to touch on in one video, that it would feel a bit surface level and I'd come away not sure what point the video was making. Your video essays on the other hand always have a very clear topic they are discussing and really go in depth on it in a way that's incredibly satisfying.

Kathrin Shawcross

As a fan i've found that you thrive when you do what you like rather than what's expected. So while I love the video essays I hope you still feel free to go with your own instincts.


I love all your essays, so I voted for both. But I do love your analysis of multiple interpretations of a single character in Loose Canon.


I love everything so I voted both but I do miss loose canon but anything you put out I will probably be happy with lol

Samuel Jones

I like the neat trivia that accompanies your Loose Canon overviews, but your video essays have been easily your most interesting, engaging, and educational work. Hell, especially educational; I have always loved movies, but what I have gleaned about film studies from your essays has made me appreciate the ones I manage to see even more. If you could do both LC and your essays without much conflict, that would be great; if you had to choose between the two because doing both was too much of a hassle, I'd suggest focusing on the essays instead.


Honestly, just thank you for doing all the work you do.


What about The Whole Plate, are u still doing that?


I'd say do Loose Canon when you feel like it (I always love watching them!), but the freeform video essays have been my favorite thing you've done for a while!


I'd love to see more collaboration videos with Dan Olson or someone else, although I have no idea what a video conversation between you and Jenny Nicholson would look like. As a brand new patron who has enjoyed your videos for about two years now, I'm happy with whatever you're passionate to produce. I hope that the move away from Twitter proves to be best for your mental health and I wish I could come up with a more empathetic way to phrase that sentiment.

Sean Haskett

I often felt I wasn't getting much more than trivia most of the time I watched loose cannon, don't get me wrong the best ones made better understand the perspective of decades (specifically the Hillary Clinton and 9/11 ones). Whereas your freeform essays seem like Important Essays. Like they're something I would put on my syllabus one day, A genuine contribution to the academic world.

Sean Haskett

I think it's clear where my loyalties lie here haha


First time Patron, long time fan (been watching since Nostalgia Chick's Meg Ryan month)! I think the video essays are more interesting and the natural evolution of the form of your videos, and I voted for more video essays. I get a lot more enjoyment out of rewatching them over the Loose Canons. But (not to literally restate everyone else in this thread), I do like anything you put out and will watch anything you make. I also liked the collab videos with Dan and the interview with your old film school pal. I'd love to see more dialogues like that.


If you were to do just one or the other, then definitely freeform, but I do like the loose canon, so if there was even like 4 a year of those it would be pretty sweet


I too came in on The Whole Plate, so I'd love to see more of those, but I'd just say do whichever ones you like the best!


I've enjoyed both series (which is how I voted), but if I had to pick one over the other my preference would be the freeform video essays. That said, please create whatever content gives you the most fulfillment (be it personal or financial).


I'd be lying if I said if I had to pick one I'd pick Loose Canon, the freeform video essays are fantastic, but at the same time, I'd be sad to see Loose Canon go. There are a lot of video essays and think pieces on the web these days, but Loose Canon is really unique, it really looks at things in a very unique way that there aren't many other examples of.


Variety is the spice of life Lindsay. Loose Canon was focused but the problem with focus is it’s not YouTubes forté as a search engine for videos


While I unashamedly picked the greedy "Why can't we have both?" vote, if I had to make a definitive choice - it'd be the freeform video essays. I enjoy both forms of content (or really most pieces you put out in any shape), but there is this sense of flexibility and freshness that comes with the video essays. An air of possibility. Mel Brooks, GotG, Pocahontas, Saving Mr. Banks, Hunchback, Pirates, Stranger Things - I've yet to be disengaged in whatever topic that comes up in these essays. Of course, there is the case for keeping Loose Canon in the lineup as well might mitigate burnout.


FYI, I've had to reduce my pledge because I've just signed a 12-month lease to live in an ex-hotel turned apartment that looks like blood should come out of the elevator, and discretionary spending is unwise right now, at least until I stop freaking out. Your work is still my favourite.


I love all your content. Your freeform essays are fantastic and poignant (the RENT episode in particular was exactly what everyone *should* have been saying and you articulated it wonderfully) but I feel there are a lot of YouTubers out there creating similar 'freeform' op-ed videos. Loose Canon was unique because you don't see a lot of those kinds of in-depth character studies on YouTube. Really what I'm saying is "Why can't we have both?" but it would really be a shame to lose Loose Canon and its unique perspective.


I prefer the freeform video essays, but I'd definitely enjoy Loose Canon videos if you have time for them. :)


I like what you did with the Hunchback video, and kind of did a bit of both. It analyzed previous adaptations while being mainly concerned with the Disney film.


Loose Canon allowed you to touch upon multiple themes and angles in one video, as an interesting "intro course" to understand a character's multiple cultural significances. What I've seen with the video essays, is that you've gotten to focus, really deep-dive into specific angles, which is what makes them even more satisfying to watch. It's the difference between taste-testing several dishes (LC) and getting to eat a full meal (video essays). Ultimately, I'm okay with LC being on indefinite hiatus. I would love both, though!


While I'm a big fan of any content, I'm definitely a long video essay type.


I introduced a friend to you and he's since fallen in love, he prefers Loose Canon because there's nothing else really like that on youtube (with the same quality) and he's right. Overall I love those videos to bits but your video essays are what I like settle in with some snacks ready to watch. I think what I prefer is that with video essays you lend your input and voice way more often than with Loose Canon, which has elements of that but feels more like a visitation of different works without the same amount of opinion. It's interesting, but I like hearing you talk about things. So I vote video essays!


You do you, Lindsay. I wouldn't even know where to begin with video essays on film and as far as I'm concerned, you're pretty much batting 1.000 so just keep doing what you're doing.


I’ve been binging the Loose Canon stuff lately and it’s excellent. I’d love to see some more of them mixed in, but basically all of the content you put out has been great lately, so like literally do whatever.


I honestly enjoy both your video essays, as well as Loose Canon.