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Hello again!

This is the last content for the Patreon of the year but not the last post, I'll have a thank message for all of you.
But now, let's talk about Rescuer in red.

You might have noticed that the development is inconsistent, and that's, unfortunately, the truth: I prioritize commissions and other Patreon content more than the Visual Novel, So I only manage to work on it in my spare time. That being said, there are days in which I'm particularly charged for it and manage to get a lot done. But on the other hand, there are days I don't work on it at all.

So, I will explain how I wanna release content for it BUT I'm not able to give dates for WHEN will it happen.

So, next in the line is:

FINISHING FIRST DAY.  currently, this is the development on the first day:
Writing: 40%
Music/Sound design: 30%
Drawings (sketches): 50%
Drawings (Completed): 10%

It's hard to say WHEN will this first day be completed. But when it is, that's when I'll release the second demo. (a playable demo is already available in the discord. Don't worry, the second one will be downloadable here on Patreon too.)
After that, demos will be released at every big change, I don't yet know if 1 day is a big change, or if 2 days is a big chance, it depends on the pacing of the story and that I do not know yet. I got a general idea down and I know how it is supposed to play out, whether it will take various days or few days (in-game) its an arbitrary choice I'll make when I get further into the development.
I don't play to release an excruciatingly long story. The idea isn't to produce an odyssey, its actually replayability and completism: Game will have various secrets and different endings, the idea will be to unlock them all in an image gallery, that's all. For my first Visual Novel, I didn't want to aim too high.


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