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Today i'll tlk about YOU and Ruslan Kuznetsov 

There  MIGHT  be spoilers. I'll try not to spoil much.

Lets start with Ruslan:

This is how Ruslan will look like. He is tall and rather fit. He doesn't look very soft, altough he will sound like a big gentle guy. 

Ruslan is russian but moved to america "because of his job" 

His core design is that he is a big tough guy but with a warm and gentle atmosphere,  very helpful very hard working. He does have his secrets and does have his demons and things that anger him, but he makes sure those things are buryed inside and never get out! up to you to unbury them. 

Don't expect super drama. I tryed to do that, and it felt unnecessarily edgy. There is going to be a litle "drama" but most of all, this is a happy story. 

The "drama" is just the glue that will stick some pieces togheter but will NOT be the main focus of the character

He is loud, the spirit of the party and honest. a paladin. 

Then there is YOU:

You are soft and short. You've lived alone for a long time but that doesnt mean you're a social wreck or akward. 

You got friends and you know how to socialize, your development is a private thing though, you keep it for yourself. In other words, you're a private person. 

What you do im still deciding. I think it will be something about IT or maybe cinema/theater. 

You are a solitary person, but you know Ruslan. For you he is like... a person out of your league, someone you didn't even consider at your level, so you didn't even bother getting close to him. 

Ruslan instead saw it in the opposite way since you kinda ignored him.

Ruslan has always been the lifeguard in the beach establishment you and your family always went in summer, after years you became friends. 

Also you secretly like his tatoos, but you can't say that... your mother dislikes them... 

Now, on a more serious note. The character is NOT named "you", i say 'you' because the name is completely in your hands, you'll name him when you play the game. 

Also antoehr thing, you'll see that there is inconsistency on the two pictures, one is a sketch the other is a lineart.
Reason is, Ruslan will be on the maybe "cover" of the game in the menù. But im planning to do a litle different for the ingame... But this is the topic for another post. 


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