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 Yesterday we broke the record for most Patrons ever at 62, went back at 61 like an hour ago but  its still quite the achievement that i would have never even dreamed to reach. 

It actually moved me a litle.

This brought me to think a bit about the Patreon and what i do.
So my personal thoughts are:

Keeping the Patreon active even more past despite the content is a great idea.... altough i dont know what to be active about- Maybe... Talks about my orking process but that sounds boring.
After thinking i thought, maybe instead of having one pool a month i could do more? 

Or maybe i could straight up take ideas from patrons in the comment sections.

I noticed the comments are very inactive, people just look and then leave rather than interacting, so i decided i'll take suggestions here, from comments, but specially from my patron channel on my discord (Which all patrons can access to by linking their discord to their patreon account) 

So, every now and then i'll take ideas from you about what to draw with maybe more pools than ne a month.

Another thing is... I'm working on on reaching the 65 patreon goal. That one will change ALOT my schedule. It will cut my free time alot, but im ready to commit on bringing content for it. Its becoming a bit of a job for me, and im ready to commit to it fully. 

That beeing said, im planning some extra goals past 65! I'll reveal what they will be once we reach the 65 counter. 

Final note: Thank you all for the costant support. You're of immense help, you can't even immagine how much my life changed thanks to this initiative. 

I'm finally able to live off doing what i love with a side job. In italy we are currently undergoing a never ending crysis, jobs are extremely underpaid and the cost of life is extremely overpriced. I manage to pull through each month thanks to your help and alot of discipline and sacrifice. Thank you all. 

SO, to cheer for my achievement, lets have another pool for the next EX!



Can....can I be the other Chua Bitter roughs up?