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Hey, Hello guys. 

Patreon and commissions are an active part of my income, and without it, i wouldn't be able to pay rent, taxes and food. I would be forced to work a job for more hours, and have alot. ALOT. less time for drawing. 

I understand the idea behind it. It is frustrating to see the advertisement, and then see a paywall between you and the picture that you would like to see. I get it.

What happened already happened. No need to cry on spilled milk, but know that we creators KNOW. I didnt just "discover" it, i knew what was going on, but i let it pass because it wasn't as often and it seemed to have stopped. 

I can take precautions to discover who it was and ban them, but i really don't wanna change the way i work to go in a hunt to seek who is breaking rules. Just know that creators have a way to identefy who breaks the rules. 

So please, STOP.

The guilty will know what they have done, for the others, sorry for the spook. i really don't wanna nor like writing these things. 



Even after reading all that, I still haven't figured out what happened...


There was a content leak, nothing i wasnt already aware of, but it was mild. untill well, today.