Welcome to the new Month! (Patreon)
2017-12-01 22:37:24
Time for a pool, since there are some new faces here.
First off, Thanks a BUNCH for the support, thanks to the help of this patreon, i managed to finally make a very old dream come true, and bought myself a Huion tablet. Very huge.
So thanks a bunch.
In the past 2 months, i've managed to keep myself doing 1 Patreon exclusive and 1 sketch every 10 days, for a total of 3 Exs and 3 sketches (Minimum) a month. Of course it happens, like last month, that if im inspired, i can do more content.
I've been drawing mostly Chua and Yordles, and people seem to be enjoying it, But still i wanted to make a pool, to see everyone's opinion