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Exciting news everyone! The loot packages for September's artwork have been sent out! Everything else for the rest of the year is in the hands of or on a brave journey to the distributor. Notwithstanding any holiday-time-postal-situations, we're hoping people will be receiving October and November soon, and then December will be ready for you all come January.

2023 has some really fun stuff in store for you after that!

Additionally - some patrons who have joined in the last few months haven't been seeing their name in the videos. It seems the credits hadn't been updated in a while, but we'll get that sorted soon!

Some people also had some problems with the audio player on Patreon's lovely functional website, and couldn't listen to the podcasts. We think we've fixed this, but if it's not working still, let us know and we'll figure out a workaround for you!

Thanks as always for your support, patrons! Be well!
- Jess



Chris Necessary

Hi guys, I have a question about shipping. If you could dm me I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance