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Who does Azeroth, and the lore, belong to? Is it Bobby? Ion? The writing team? Or does it actually belong to us, the players?

This is an important conversation for us to have. How has the lore changed, and... why?


Has WoW's Lore Become HOSTILE To Players?

Who does Azeroth, and the lore, belong to? Is it Bobby Kotick? Ion Hazzikostas? The writing team? Or does it really belong to us?



A couple of months ago I indicated to my guild that I was taking an indefinite leave from WoW. The reason I gave was the story and lore going into an unknowable and unappealing direction. I was able to look past much of the horrid systems in Shadowlands and BFA due to my interest in the story. All be it, the BFA storytelling was lackluster at best. However, with the Sylvanas and Jailer cutscene at the end of the current raid, it just got too ridiculous and I couldn't stay any longer with the only bit left that had any appeal were the raids. I'll likely check back in the next expansion to see where things are at. Maybe, just maybe, they'll have learned from videos like this and the massive amounts of negative feedback on their systems and make changes that bring back the appeal of WoW for me once again. A significant part of me wishes I could just go back and play legion on the last patch. The systems didn't feel as egregious and there were really neat stories in the class order halls.


The head archivist or whatever for lore who works at Blizzard is in my guild. I kinda wanted to post this in our discord and @ him, but I didn't wanna stir anything up, and I don't think his job is really the direction of WoW lore, he's just the resident expert to stop too many contradictions. I already self-censor a lot to avoid creating an atmosphere of negativity.