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Hi! This is a very early version of the next game I am making. At the moment there's not much to explore. Atria with two different attacks. But the most important thing is that the core gameplay is working. In this early stage it is easier to change things in the game. So I would be glad if you give me some feedback about the escape mechanic and animation.

I hope you like the escape mechanic, cause it was a lot of work ^^' at the beginning you first see four random generated arrows. You should remember them and repeat them. If you pressed the correct arrow key it would appear again in blue.

About animation: I know that the attack animations could be a bit longer, but you can imagine that "fluent" animations need a lot of images.

Thank you for your support and feedback! :)


bbg demo - Google Drive



Very promising. Agree with Bluefo about the escape mechanism. Maybe instead of having to add million frames to make it more fluent you can also change the POV every now and then. That way you only need an x amount of frames per POV. Also for me, text every now and then from your opponent during the battle really adds something extra.


Not bad! The arrow system is fairly easy so far but it's a solid demo. I'm looking forward to seeing fights in 3D!