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Story: I’m a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 3: Jura Forest


- Felix -

A Dragon.

I’m fighting a fucking Dragon.

Well, this wasn’t part of the plan.

Alright let’s analyze the situation.

The Dragon itself is massive, probably the biggest thing I’ve ever fought.

I watch as it rises past the trees.

I notice some monsters fleeing through Magic Sense.

Can I even beat it?

I try to get a read on its power and it seems to be around my level if not a little above me.

It’s doable.

At the rate my magicules are depleting just by being in the Demi-Material Plane I can likely last a few days up here.

That’s not taking into account the magicules I spend in this fight though.

I quickly set up a Multilayer Barrier and imbue it with Thermal Resistance, Lightning Resistance and Paralysis Resistance.

Hopefully this should weaken some of its attacks.

Thankfully I put my sword inside my Spatial Storage, I take it out and coat it in aura before sending an aura slash towards the dragon before I use my wings to try and get an aerial advantage.

The slash itself is avoided but this does tell me that it likely would have taken some damage from it.

After all, why would it dodge an attack that couldn’t hurt it?

Fuck, this thing is like a tank, its natural body is able to handle a lot of my attacks without issue.

I’ve been fighting it for an hour or so, it was even able to take on Red with minimal injuries.

I’ve even tried using my Unique Skills but it is able to avoid almost all of my attacks.

I haven't tried Hollow Purple yet but I might have to.

I’m slowly running out of magicules, I not only have to supply my Skills and Magic’s with magicules but I also have to put conscious effort to stay in this world.

I have not taken much damage at all thanks to Infinity blocking all the incoming attacks, but I have also been unable to deal a ton of damage.

The surrounding area of the forest has been destroyed, I am contemplating retreating as I don’t want any stronger monsters to come over here due to all the noise.

I don’t know my environment, it’s better to play it safe.

I did sense some other powerful monsters around the area though they seem to be focusing on keeping the destruction contained.

That is part of the reason I am not using Nuclear Magic. I don’t want to give them a reason to interfere in the fight if their goals are only to protect the environment.

I take this opportunity to quickly use Blue to teleport behind the dragon and coat my sword in Lightning before slashing at its back.

Surprisingly I finally got a hit in causing a large gash to appear on its body.

I heard it roar in both pain and anger.

It quickly turned towards me and flew at me at its highest speed so far.

The dragon isn’t the most intelligent creature, it’s seen how ineffective his attacks are due to my Infinity but continues anyway.

I’m still wary though as I don’t want to be caught off guard if something manages to pierce my Infinity.

Thankfully it fails once again as I take the opportunity to land another Lightning enhanced blow on its body.

Finally making some progress.

- ??? -

She watched as the Daemon and Dragon continued their battle causing shockwaves that destroyed the forest.

She and her sisters had felt the forest being damaged and came over immediately to deal with the attacker.

Once they arrived she and her sisters made barriers to prevent the shockwaves from damaging more of the forest than it already did.

When she looked to see who was fighting she was surprised.

They weren’t expecting a daemon and a dragon to be fighting after all.

The Daemon seemed to have been summoned here by the corpse they found earlier, but what is this dragon doing away from the Canaat Mountains?

She will have to give this Daemon a stern talking to after the fight, if he wants to stay in the Cardinal World he can’t be causing wanton destruction.

“Focus sisters, keep the destruction contained!”

“We’re trying, the dragon is making it difficult!”

“Yeah, at least the daemon isn’t doing nearly as much damage!”

She sighs, this fight has been going on for an hour now and there seems to be no end in sight.

She wants to interfere but in that scenario the Daemon or Dragon might cause even more damage, let alone the fact that she might not be able to win against them.

At least for now the Daemon is keeping it tamer than most of his kind.

For now she and her sisters will continue to observe and contain the destruction.

- Felix -

I came up with a plan to finally finish the dragon off, I don’t have many other options and I do want to beat the dragon rather than just retreating.

Everytime I use an ability that can potentially cause it harm it dodges. I tried to use spatial manipulation to hold it in place but it seems that I’m not experienced enough as it breaks my hold every time.

This time I won't give it time to react.

I’ll go all in on this next attack, if it doesn’t work I’m going to have no choice but to retreat.

I charge up Hollow Purple, it notices the incoming danger and prepares to dodge. It may not have much intelligence but it does have keen instincts.

However instead of just firing it at him like normal I use Limitless to teleport behind it and before he can react I fire it.

“Hollow Purple”

It still almost manages to dodge out of the way but thankfully I still hit most of its body causing it to drop dead.

Thankfully there should be enough of it left to make a golem out of.

Unfortunately the forest took quite a lot of damage from my last attack.

An entire region of this area is gone.

I suddenly feel three raging auras and take that as the que to leave.

Before I leave I notice something appear out of the Dragon’s corpse.

I watch as a ball of bluish white light came out of the corpse and flew towards me.

I instinctively knew what it was.

A soul.

I extend my hand and gulp it down, I try not to fully digest it so I can have some time to find somewhere safe.

I feel an evolution coming so I act quickly, I store the dragon’s corpse in Spatial Storage and use my wings, Gravity Flight and Air Flight to get as far away as possible.

Once I get to a point where I can’t feel those raging auras I use Isolate to protect myself as I allow myself to fall unconscious.

Conditions for Evolution have been met.

Commencing Evolution.

Extra Skill: Pain Resistance has evolved into Extra Skill: Pain Nullification.

Extra Skill: Fear Resistance has evolved into Extra Skill: Fear Nullification.

Extra Skill Physical Attack Resistance has evolved into Extra Skill: Physical Attack Nullification.

Extra Skill: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance has evolved into Extra Skill: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification.

Extra Skill: Natural Effects Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Extra Skill: Abnormal Condition Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Extra Skill: Magic Sense has evolved into Extra Skill: Universal Sense.

Extra Skill: Danger Sense has evolved into Extra Skill: Ultra Instinct.

Common Skill: Gravity Flight has evolved into Extra Skill: Gravity Manipulation.

Evolution to Arch Daemon Complete.

Demonic Core has been Strengthened.

Notice. Requesting Evolution of Cursed Sage.

Request for evolution of Unique Skill: Cursed Sage Rejected.

I woke up in an unfamiliar area, quite different from what I was used to.

I quickly went through my memories to try and piece together what happened.


Right, I was summoned, fought a dragon and it seems like I also evolved.

I looked around and saw that the world was much clearer to me now. The only way to describe it is that it felt like the world was in high definition now.

I felt the changes in my body so I got up and inspected myself.

Best to learn what changed as soon as possible.

I use some Ice Magic to create a large slab allowing me to see my reflection.

I grin as I take in my new appearance, I still have my claws, horns, and tail but those are easily hidden.

The rest of my body is where the differences become apparent.

My hair is back to how it was in my last life, white.

My eyes are still the same, blue eyes with a black sclera but that's okay.

The most important thing is that my legs and face are back to how I looked in my previous life.

No more looking like a monster.

I got used to my demonic appearance after some time but some part of me always hated it.

It was a constant reminder that I was different.

That I was not human.

That I was a monster.

Now while I mostly accepted that part of me there would always be some part that craved my previous looks if only for the vain thought of being attractive.

I observe the rest of my physical differences.

It seemed like I’ve grown a few inches taller.

I clenched my fists and could feel the strength in my body surge.

It was unreal.

It was beyond anything I can compare it to, my previous level looked like a complete joke compared to how strong I was now.

And to think there might be even higher evolutionary stages.

The next thing I noticed was my magicules.

My magicule capacity grew by an absurd amount. It felt practically endless compared to my previous amount.

Though I do still feel the drain of staying in the Demi-Material World as a Spiritual Life Form, I should take care of that soon.

Is this the power of an Arch Daemon?

I felt as if I could easily wipe out my previous self without even trying.

That’s not even considering my newly upgraded skills.

The power to destroy a country at my fingertips.

I decide to learn what my new skills do before I leave the isolated dimension.

Universal Sense is basically Magic Sense on steroids, it basically allows me to sense everything in an extremely large radius, multiple times over what I was able to sense with Magic Sense.

Along with this it allows me to perceive light, sound, smell and heat, much better than Magic Sense which only allowed me to perceive light and sound.

Ultra Instinct gives me an even better danger precognition, very useful.

Gravity Manipulation allows me to freely manipulate and utilize gravity. I can still use it to fly but it also has quite a few more uses now that I can utilize gravity freely.

Gravity Manipulation is quite a broken skill if used right, I can use it to increase gravity causing everything to become heavier, using this I can easily crush weaker opponents to death.

At a certain point I should be capable of creating black holes as well, after all black holes are a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, not even light. Even then it can still do more.

Gravity Manipulation has a lot of high level abilities to be learned, something I’m looking forward to.

Hmm now that I think about it, couldn't I do Shinra Tensei and Banshō Ten’in with Limitless?

After all, at their core Blue and Red use Attraction and Repulsion to do what they do.

Definitely something to try out later.

I also gained some new resistances while some evolved.

With my new resistances I should be able to create an even better Multilayer Barrier.

Now that I generally know my new abilities I decide to get ready to leave my dimension.

I take the dragon out of my Spatial Storage and dig out its bones.

Once that is complete I use Creation Magic to create a golem in the form of a skeleton made out of the dragon’s bones.

I store the rest of the Dragon meat in Spatial Storage and use Spirit Possession to possess the skeleton.

I feel flesh start to form on the skeleton.

Soon enough my body looks just like it did beforehand.

Common Skill: Self-Regeneration Acquisition Successful.

It feels odd having a physical body after so long without one.

I’ll get used to it though.

For now I focus on analyzing my new skill and getting used to this new body.

Self-Regeneration allows me to heal from any physical injury as long as I have the magicules for it, even limbs and missing organs can be regenerated.

Now that I’m ready It’s time to leave.

The moment I step out my eyes go wide open.

What the fuck is that massive aura!

I couldn’t feel it before due to my Magic Sense not reaching that far but with Universal Sense my range has increased astronomically.

But still what the fuck is that?!

I wonder how much stronger than me it is, I cannot tell due to how vast the difference between us currently is.

Answer. To the nearest measurable degree, its magicules exceed yours by more than fifteen times.

What the fuck? It seems to just be casually releasing its aura, it doesn’t seem to even be trying to fight anything.

And even then it is still at least fifteen times stronger than me?

The aura is west of my current location and doesn’t seem to be moving.

Knowing this I decide to go nowhere near that area, fuck that.

I decide to fly south of my current location, hopefully there is at least a village that way.

I was constantly on alert, this forest is a dangerous one if that Dragon from earlier was anything to go by and while I could easily beat the Dragon as I am now, who knows if there are stronger monsters in this forest?

And while I assume there are far less monsters that can fight in the sky it is best to be careful.

I made sure to keep an eye on that massive aura just in case, though my concerns have been unfounded so far as it hasn’t moved at all.

After some time I have Cursed Sage manage Universal Sense, while I could have done it myself and was doing it with Parallel Processing I find it easier to rely on Cursed Sage for these kinds of things.

Cursed Sage can quickly utilize my skills to analyze the threat level of anything around me at a rate much quicker than my own.

Man does Cursed Sage makes life a lot easier.

It’s been an hour or so since I started flying, unfortunately not much has happened.

I did spot some monsters along the way but they were much much weaker compared to me so I ignored them.

Fortunately something interesting did happen, I managed to spot some bee hives in the forest.

I was able to extract a bunch of honey from multiple bee hives, I stored the extra honey in some glass containers I created using Material Creation and ate the rest.

It’s been ages since I was able to eat anything, I can’t wait to try out the cuisine of this world.

As I was pondering on what sort of food there might be in this world I spotted a village in the distance.

Finally, hopefully I can learn where I am and maybe get some shelter and food.

As I focus in on the village I check to see if there is anyone strong there, I don’t find anyone that could prove a challenge to me but I decide to be careful anyways as they might be capable of hiding their auras.

Maybe they might know what that large aura is, who knows it might not even be a hostile monster.

Thankfully I still had some of the Dragon’s corpse in my Spatial Storage, hopefully I can exchange that for everything I need.

As I descend down I used an illusion to hide my black sclera and concealed my demonic presence as much as possible.

Once that was done I released some of my aura in order to alert them that I’m there but not enough to scare them. I don't want to be rude and come into their village unannounced after all.

I watch as five battle ready monsters come outside, they all have horns, could they be oni of some kind?

Answer. According to analysis of subjects they are Ogres.

Ogres? They aren’t Oni?

That’s interesting, I wonder what other sorts of races are out there that I wasn’t able to learn about.

There were two red headed males who are wielding katanas, one with his hair styled in a ponytail, one purple haired female holding a mace, a blue haired male wielding a tanto, and lastly an elderly man wielding a katana in a familiar stance.

As the redhead with the ponytail approached me I heard the elderly man whisper in his ear to be careful, and that I was a trained swordsman. How was he able to tell? The Old Man said only an extremely skilled swordmaster should be capable of telling that with only a look.

This put me on edge, I could feel that the elderly man wasn’t as strong as me but he could be hiding some of his aura.

The redhead approached me and said, “What brings you here outsider?”

“Ah I was just looking for some food, and shelter for a day or so, along with any information you would be willing to share. I would also be willing to exchange part of a Dragon’s corpse for your help, if that isn’t enough I’d be willing to pay you in another way as long as it’s within limits.”

“A Dragon!, I see, we will take you to the chief, he will decide whether we can host you.

I politely tilt my head to them as I say “Thank you.”

As I follow the group, I approach the older one, as I approach I can tell the group is ready in case of a sudden attack but ignore that and ask, “What style of swordsmanship do you practice, your stance is similar to the style I was taught?”

“Hmm? I practice the Hazy Style, a style that was passed down to me by my grandfather. Which style do you practice?”

I looked at him in surprise, “Odd, that’s the style I was taught as well.”

Now he looked at me in shock, “That shouldn’t be possible unless your teacher was someone my grandfather taught, and he died ages ago.”

Huh, could the Old Man have learnt from this grandfather of his?

“Maybe, the Old Man who taught me it was at least a few centuries old, maybe he knew your grandfather?”

I didn’t want to tip off anyone to my Daemon heritage just yet, that’s why I hid my sclera, it’s one of the most obvious signs that I’m a Daemon.

“Hmm possibly, I would like to spar with you when you get a chance if that is agreeable to you. I find myself curious to what degree someone who learned the Hazy Style outside this village has mastered it.”

“Hmm that sounds good to me, I could use the practice and while I haven't mastered the Hazy Style to the degree my teacher has I have been practicing it for a while.”

Once we enter the village I take in the view.

The village isn’t all that large, it can likely house 300 people max but it’s how do I say it, untouched, yes it’s untouched.

Nature is shining in its natural state, no cars, no modern homes, just pure untouched nature.

As I follow behind and look around, the redhead with the ponytail says, “We are taking you to the chief, he is the one who has the final decision on whether you can stay or not.”

On the way we pass by quite a few of these presumably oni.

The village is quite lively, there are children playing on a swing, others running around.

We finally make it to the center of the village where the largest home is.

Once we enter I see another redhaired oni, could these guys be related?

“Hmm, who did you bring to the village today? I warned you to be careful, you never know what kind of intentions someone has.”

The redhead with shorter hair steps up, “Yes father we know, this Majin simply wanted some shelter, food and information, he is willing to pay for it with a Dragon’s corpse.

“A Dragon’s Corpse! Their meat is notoriously delicious.”

Aha, so they are related, and what’s this about a Majin?

I take this moment to step up and say, “Hello sir, I am indeed willing to compensate you with a Dragon’s corpse, however it isn’t a full corpse as some of it was destroyed in the battle, most of its meat is still there however.”

I decide to be respectful as they haven't given me a reason not to be.

“Hmm I see, may I see how much of the Dragon you were able to preserve?”

“Yeah sure, just tell me where I can take it out, I don’t want to get your home all dirty.”

I follow him to the back of his home where he leads me to his backyard of sorts.

“Please take it out here if you wouldn’t mind.”

I give a curt nod and take the Dragon Corpse out of my Spatial Storage.

I hear the group that escorted me here gasp.

“It seems you were telling the truth, quite an impressive feat, especially with the amount of magicules the corpse is radiating, it was likely a Medium Dragon, did you do it alone?”

Medium Dragon?

Is that its classification, sort of like how Daemons are classified as Lesser Daemons, Greater Daemons and Arch Daemons?

It seems I still have quite a bit to learn about the world.

Seeing no reason to not honestly answer his question I say, “Yeah, it was quite challenging though, its scales were hard to get through.”

“I see, you must be quite powerful then, it would take a large group of us Ogres to take a Dragon like this out.”

“Aha yeah, I am kinda strong, I’ve been training for a while after all.”

“Hmm, well this is sufficient payment to stay as long as you don’t cause trouble, I will have two clansmen teach you about the surrounding area as well.”

“Thank you Village Chief, I won’t cause any trouble.”

I decided not to share my Demonic Heritage, it’s not like I’m going to stay here for long anyway.

He nodded at me and looked towards his sons and said, “Escort him to the guest home and make sure he has everything he needs.”

“Of course father.”

The short haired redhead looked towards me and said, “Follow me, I will show you where you will be staying.”

I nodded and followed him out of the chief’s house, the other Ogres split off to do their own business I assume, though the redhead with the ponytail followed along.

The two Ogres showed me around the village on the way. From what I saw, life in this village is quite simple.

Everyone has their roles and everyone seems generally satisfied with their lives.

After all that I was shown where I will be staying, the house isn’t massive but it is more than sufficient for one person.

It has everything I will need to live comfortably which is more than enough.

I wasn’t here for the shelter primarily, I was after the food and the information they possess.

“Feel free to settle in, we will come to pick you up later once it’s time for food.”

I thank them as they leave and decide to heed their words and lay on the bed until it’s time for food, not much else to do after all.


It’s been two and a half months since I was summoned, I stayed a lot longer than I initially planned to but I’ve enjoyed my time here.

The very day I arrived in the village there was some action.

- Flashback -

I was woken by Cursed Sage warning me about an incoming hostile presence approaching the village, it was decently strong too.

Just slightly weaker than the Dragon I fought.

I quickly went outside and flew upwards to try and see what’s going on with Gravity Manipulation

The sun is just now setting so it couldn’t have been more than a few hours since I got here.

I spot a Centipede looking thing fighting against what I can only assume are the warrier Ogres. The group that escorted me in is included in that group.

What exactly is that Cursed Sage?

Answer. According to analysis the subject is a Mutated Evil Centipede. It likely mutated due to consuming a stronger lifeform.

I see, so monsters can mutate just by eating something stronger than them?

I wonder what other sort of unique monsters can be out there then.

Maybe I’ll even get to see an overpowered slime.

I observe the fight from above for now, the fight so far is pretty even though it is slightly in the Centipede’s favor.

It does have quite a few interesting abilities though it seems like the Ogres are prepared for most of them.

I was able to copy some interesting new skills like Poison Breath.

After some time the Ogres start to get worn out, they have gotten quite a few good hits throughout the battle but not enough to finish it off, they don’t have infinite stamina either so they are tiring out.

I decide to step in once it looks like the Centipede is going to kill an ogre, the purple haired one that was part of the group that escorted me in.

I quickly use Blue to teleport in front of the Ogre that was about to be bisected and use a new application of Red I have been practicing to create a repulsive force to send the Centipede flying back.

I quickly follow behind it and easily cut its head off with my sword.

Much easier than dealing with that Dragon.

I leave the corpse there for now and fly back towards the group.

Once I got there the redhead with the ponytail came up to me bowed and said, “Thank you for saving our friend's life benefactor, we are in your debt.”

“Ah it's fine, no need to bow, it wasn't any trouble.”

The rest of the group followed his lead and thanked me, the purple harried one was especially enthusiastic.

Now that I am actually observing her man does she have some big tits.

Whoever she ends up with will be quite lucky.

- Present -

After that there was a feast, I let the Ogres have the body of the Centipede as I had no use for it.

The Ogres insisted that I stayed here as long as I wanted after that and I saw no reason to reject, I’m not in a hurry after all.

I did reveal my Daemon heritage after some time though they didn’t particularly care, most of them were experienced enough to understand that one's race does not define them.

Another thing that happened was that three Dryads showed up one day to lecture me about damaging the forest with my Hollow Purple when I was fighting the Medium Dragon.

Apparently it’s their job to make sure the forest isn’t damaged, man do they take their job seriously.

They were quite strong too, the one in the lead was probably about as strong as I am, she even had a name.


Apparently they are some type of elemental.

Other than that I trained my swordsmanship with the Old Ogre.

I’ve taken to calling him Old Ogre as calling him Old Man would be confusing.

He is an absolute beast when it comes to swordsmanship, better than the Old Man I would say.

While I could beat him in a fight if we were to use all our abilities in pure swordsmanship he would win almost every time at first.

Thankfully Cursed Sage inherited Sage’s comprehension boosting ability, combined with the Studious One I was able to improve my technique fairly quickly.

The other Ogres were quite strong as well, they all learnt under the Old Ogre though some of them branched out a bit.

I did end up meeting a pink haired Ogre, she looked the most human out of all the Ogres, apparently she is redheads sister and the daughter of the chief.

One issue was that none of them had names so it was a bit of a pain to refer to some of them, so I just went ahead and called them based on the color of their hair.

Since there were two redheads I called the one without a ponytail Red and the other one Ponytail.

Rather simple ways to refer to them but what can a man do?

I suck at naming after all.

Thankfully me nicknaming them based on their hair didn’t count as naming them, I guess you have to intend to name someone for it to actually work.

According to Cursed Sage, while I can name some of them, it will result in some side effects for me as I am not strong enough to casually name beings with their strength.

The purple haired Ogre or as I like to call her Purple has taken to following me around everywhere, she said she wanted to serve me in order to repay me for saving her life.

Apparently she already got permission from the Chief to do as she wishes.

I told her she didn’t have to do that but she insisted and I’m not going to say no to a hot chick wanting to be my servant, I mean who would?

It also doesn’t hurt to have some subordinates, numbers can be useful after all, I can’t do everything myself, especially when I eventually go to other worlds.

I was also able to gain some information, while the Ogres didn’t know a whole lot but they knew enough.

They needed to if they wanted to survive after all.

I was able to learn exactly what that massive aura was, apparently some hero sealed a rampaging True Dragon inside the forest. So hopefully I don’t need to worry about that.

True Dragons are basically the highest form of existence in this world, they are each immensely powerful forces of nature.

I was also able to learn that monsters can be born from the magicules I constantly radiate, even when I am suppressing most of my Aura I still have a presence that’s hard to hold back.

The Ogres don’t have to worry about this as they aren’t really strong enough for monsters to be born from the magicules they release but that is something that I was concerned about.

While I might not currently be strong enough for super strong monsters to be born from the magicules I release, that might change in the future if I do discover that there are further evolutions.

Who knows though, that’s something I’ll have to figure out in the future, it might not even be something I need to worry about.

Now the forest itself is called the Great Jura Forest, the territory of the sealed True Dragon Veldora.

There are a few other villages in the forest like the Gozu, basically Minotaurs along with the Mezu, which are also basically Minotaurs except with horse heads.

The forest is filled with tribes like these, hopefully I can meet some of these races sometime.

The forest is basically a buffer zone between multiple countries, it’s surrounded by both human countries and monster countries.

Knowing all this information I made a plan for which countries to visit.

I’m generally planning to stay away from the purely human countries, just seems like a hassle to deal with if it’s discovered that I’m a Daemon.

Especially the Holy Empire Ruberios.

Those guys are basically the most anti-monster nation around.

I wasn’t able to learn a lot about them, just that they have their own knights that protect them and nations affiliated with them.

Best to stay away from that mess.

The best countries to visit would be countries that welcome non-humans like Dwargon, and the countries ruled by Demon Lords.

Though I think it’s best to stay away from Demon Lords for now.

Unfortunately even I know that soon enough I’m going to have to end up leaving.

I do want to see the world after all.


As we leave the village I ponder on everything I’ve experienced so far.

It’s only been three months but I’ve had a great time in this world so far.

I was able to try many different types of foods, grow my swordsmanship, learn how to use my skills in more creative ways and learn more about the world around me.

I was able to master how to use Shinra Tensei and Banshō Ten’in with Limitless along with the Secret Arts of the Hazy Style, now I can target specific people with it rather than hitting everything.

I learned some new useful Arts as well like Formhide and Magic Bullet. Formhide basically allows me to hide my presence and form in a more effective way. Magic Bullet is basically just a dense ball of aura and magicules that you can fire at your enemy.

I wasn’t the only one who grew either.

Ponytail and Redhead also learned quite a bit from me, whether that was through our duels or me sharing some magical knowledge I thought would help them.

I was also able to get Purple to change weapons, I wasn’t expecting her to change as I assumed she was set on her path but when I offered to make her a weapon with Material Creation she asked me to make an Ōdachi.

While she wasn’t used to it at first she learned quickly..

After some time we reached the village entrance, both Purple and I turned around to say our goodbyes.

Redhead looked towards me bowed and said, “You are welcome back anytime Benefactor, please keep our friend out of trouble.”

“No thank you for being wonderful hosts, I learned many new things and got to try many new things as well. I’ll be sure to visit again sometime.”

Purple said goodbye next, there were some tears but she promised to visit.

Little did I know the next time I returned circumstances would be completely different.

- Ponytail -

He watched as his dear friend and benefactor left the village.

He was surprised at how much his life had changed since he met his benefactor.

Before he was lost, he did not know what path he should follow.

Now he does.

He will leave the village and acquire more resources for his friends and family.

Before he was not certain if this was the right path, but seeing how easily his benefactor was able to defeat monsters that the whole village would struggle against made him certain that this was the right path.

If he could get stronger he would be able to send more food and resources back to the village.

He could protect the village.

No one will need to get hurt again.

Maybe he can find a worthy Lord to serve and acquire a name.

Someone like his benefactor.

- ??? -

He looked around and came to the conclusion that was not in the hospital as he saw some rocks in the distance.

Was he dead?

He tried to move around but as he did he felt some plants dissolve inside of him.

He wondered what had happened to him.

He wondered what he became?

He internally prayed that his junior wiped his hard drive, hopefully he wouldn’t be embarrassed even in death.

After some experimenting he came to the conclusion he was a slime.

He was doomed wasn’t he.


- Felix -

I watch the sunset as I wait for Purple to get back from acquiring food to cook with.

We only just recently ran out of the food that the village gave us.

This will be the first time I try Purple’s cooking, apparently she has been practicing so I’m looking forward to it.

We are currently heading towards Dwargon, the home of the Dwarves.

It's one of the most powerful nations around apparently, it’s even located inside a mountain.

Maybe I can get a good weapon made there though I don’t really need a weapon.

Material Creation is good but I have a feeling a weapon crafted by Dwarves will be even better, though I need to find a way to get some currency first.

As I ponder on where to visit all of a sudden I feel a massive aura head in my direction.

I quickly prepare myself for a fight, hopefully Infinity can deal with any unexpected attacks.

How did this person find me?

I’ve been concealing my aura this whole time.

And what the fuck is with that speed?!

It’s far faster than me even with me using all my flight based abilities.

I watch as the mysterious being lands in front of me forming a crater, the shockwaves are blowing multiple trees away.

Once the dust settles I spot a girl?

She looks awfully young.

“Greetings! I am the one and only Dragonoid, also known as the Destroyer, the Demon Lord Milim Nava!”

Aww fuck.

Why am I facing an end game boss right after I leave the starting village?

“I felt your aura and was curious, I haven't felt a new strong aura in Veldora’s forest in ages.”

How did she feel my aura?! Am I not concealing it properly?

Damn, her aura is every bit as powerful as Veldora’s was when I first felt it.

So this is how strong a real Demon Lord is huh, she isn’t even trying to pressure me with her aura, this is just the natural aura she releases.

Not much I can do here except hope she isn’t here for a fight, if she is I’m gonna have to grab Purple and find a way to get away.

Hopefully Isolate can protect us for some time along with Infinity.

I don’t know what sort of Unique abilities a Demon Lord could have, maybe they have a way to get past Infinity.

“Hello Lady Millim, may I ask what you wanted with me?”

“Hmm? My business? I came to introduce myself.”


That’s it?!

I hear something behind me and turn just quick enough to see Purple in the air sword in hand.

“Prepare to die!”

Oh shit.

“Wait, Purple no!”

Unfortunately it was already too late, she had already attacked Milim.

The attack itself didn’t do anything though, Milim stopped her blade with one hand.

“Oh, you want to play with me?”

“Hold on, hold on, I’m pretty sure this is just a big misunderstanding.”

Unfortunately both of them ignore me.

Milim flung Purple back with a wave of her arm, I take this chance to get between them, hopefully I can calm the both of them down.

I take a quick look to where Purple was flung and make sure she is okay, thankfully she only has minor injuries.

“Purple you can rest, I can take care of this.”

“Hmm? You want to play with me too? Very well. I’ll play with you some more.”

I heard Purple say something but I ignored her for now, I can’t take my attention off the Demon Lord for even one second.

I quickly use Thought Acceleration to come up with multiple plans, most don’t involve fighting seriously as I don’t know her capabilities.

I eventually come up with a plan, the plan itself can either be considered genius or incredibly stupid.

She’s a Demon Lord, she herself said she was here out of boredom so I just need to find a way to keep her entertained.

As I slowly walk towards her she says, “Oh what’s this skill? I can’t hit you with any attacks? Hmm it seems like it divides the space between us infinitely? Quite interesting.”

What! How did she figure that out?

“Aha, you’re surprised right! Nothing gets past my Milim Eye, with it I can see through anything, nothing can hide from my eyes!”


Hey Cursed Sage, can you try and copy that skill using Studious One with the information she just gave?


Unique Skill: Milim Eye has been Analyzed.

Unique Skill: Milim Eye gained.

Nice, this skill allows me to see through lies and allows me to measure someone's magic power even if they are suppressing it.

I can even see what skills someone has.

It has some other functions but it isn’t anything Cursed Sage can’t do.

Now back to my plan, once I am close enough I say, “Hey, if you’re so confident that you can beat me how about we play a game?”

“Ooh, a game! I love games! What’s that game, do we use our strongest attacks and whoevers is stronger wins?”

“No no, nothing like that, this game doesn’t involve magic whatsoever, this is a game from my previous world, it is said that it can be one of the most vile, evil and destructive games around. Many friendships have been severed due to it in the past.”

I didn’t want to do this but I have no choice at this point.

“Hahaha, very well! Sounds interesting, but if you lose you must swear to become my subordinate, you’re interesting!”

“Fine, but if I win, how about you give me a name with no strings attached?”

“Hmm, okay!”


Just one thing left to do now.

I explain the rules to her and then use Material Creation to make what’s needed for the game.

Once we are both ready the game starts, the game itself was incredibly intense, but the game soon came to a climax.

I place a card into the pile and look at the card in my hand, then to the three cards in Milim’s hand and call out, “Uno!”

That’s right, I had to do it, I brought Uno into this world.

I usually never played it with two people but it is still possible to do.

“Grr, just you wait, I’m going to draw a +4 and then it’ll all be over for you.”

Oh man please don’t let that happen.

Thankfully she only draws a red 6 and places it down.

I look at her smugly as I slowly place down my last card, a red +2.

She pouts towards me and says, “Again, lets play again! That was fun!”

“We can play again another time, Milim, I had fun too.”

Throughout the game I got to know Milim a little better, she is generally a kind person to those she considers friends as far as I’ve seen.

I take some honey out of my Spatial Storage and give some to her, “Here as a consolation prize you can try some of this.”

She tries a bit of it and then just goes quiet all of a sudden, does she not like it?

All of a sudden she looks towards me with stars in her eyes, “What in the world is this?! I’ve never had something so delicious!”


“It’s honey, you know Milim, you aren’t a bad friend to have.”

“Friends? Hmm you’re right, we are friends from now on! Hmm let me think, better yet from now on we are Besties!”


She turned towards me with tears in her eyes, “You don’t want to be?”

“We’re besties, we’re besties!”

“As expected of my Master umu.” I hear Purple say.

Sigh, she has been looking at me with stars in her eyes since I won the game of Uno.

Anyways that’s how I overcame this unprecedented Catastrophe.

“Hmm so what do you want your name to be?”

Ah yeah, I kinda forgot about that agreement. Hmm I kinda suck at naming, I’ll just go with the name I had in my last life.

“How about Felix?”

“Yup! Sounds good! From now on your name shall be Felix, the bestie of Millim Nava!”

All of a sudden a voice resounded through my ears, and a large amount of energy started to fill my body.

The feeling that came next was something I was familiar with so I turned to Purple and said, “I am going to faint, do what Milim tells you to as long as it isn’t outrageous okay.”

And with that I pass out.

Conditions for Evolution have been met.

Commencing Evolution.


Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Beta’s Note: Here have an amusing cliff hanger. I also Beta for Cross, Lord of Cliffs. So I'm not gonna change his mind.

Author’s Note:

In this chapter we finally meet some of the main cast. I tried to stay true to their personalities as much as I could.

Now when it comes to Daemons eating monster’s souls it wasn’t ever explicitly said that they couldn’t eat monster souls, only that they couldn’t eat Daemon souls and generally stuck to eating human and demi-human souls.

A lot of stuff happened in this chapter, Felix finally got named, became Besties with Millim, got a hot Oni servant, things are already looking up for him.

Enjoy the cliff.

Anyways thanks for reading.


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