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Howdy friends,

Hope everybody is keeping well and settling down to a nice relaxing holiday, or a nice energetic holiday. Whatever suits you best, I'm just planning on eating a lot of food and runing my sleep pattern for the foreseeable future, so good times ahead.

This update is just to let you know the progress of the next few vids. I was hoping to have three of them out this month, those being Club PlayStation Vol.8 (which is out now) and also Obscure & Forgotten Vol. 15 & Fan Translation Update 2K23 (both of which are not out :()

I said in the last update, some life circumstances might impact the speed in which I can get videos out which unfortunately has affected me a little this month. I was making good progress on Obscure Vol.15 and thought I'd be able to get it out before Christmas day but I've decided it's probably better if I rest up a little today and tomorrow and aim to have it out a few days later. It's about 90% complete at this stage, just another day or two worth of editing left to go but even I know it's not the healthiest idea to be rushing an edit into Christmas eve, so we'll leave it on the back burner for a few days.

This means the fan translation video covering everything released in 2023 will also be delayed but that just means it'll be out a few days into 2024, rather then New years eve 2023 which considering these translations can drop outta nowhere, might be for the best.

In the meantime I appeared in some other stuff on YouTube, so if you want to hear about my most played game of 2023 or listen to me talk about Parasite Eve or some fun Christmas gaming memories in podcast form. I'll link those videos at the bottom of this post.

Other than that I just want to say thank you so much for all your support this year. It's been the busiest, most successful year of my video exploits so far and also the most difficult in a lot of ways, but it's the good vibes and support of the fans who make it such a joy to do, so thank you for everything, it means a lot!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and new year, make sure to spend it however makes you happiest! Gwan be selfish this year, Sean said so! :)

Much love and talk to you all again in 2024 <3

(Ps. enjoy the cat pictures!)

My Most Played Game of 2023 (YourFavoriteSon)
Link: https://youtu.be/w_8dxAUSOhA?si=1oHdZTw9NnYZokOI

Streamers Stories Podcast (JohnnyBeard)
Link: https://youtu.be/Jl4Nlh8gjxM?si=S9u1NsZPOq3-Pjjf

Back of the Rack Podcast: Parasite Eve (Sondi & Bendezz)
Link: https://youtu.be/vQD8NgMKS60?si=OeQ_yfZ-yqQmqZ-2
