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Howdy friends, 

Hope you're all keeping well! 

Just wanted to give you a little update on my next project, its going to be another video on a single game. This time it'll be Cyro interactives PS1 take on the classic Philip K Dick novel 'Ubik' 

On PC this game is considered one of Cyros rough gems, on the PS1 it eh... Well we'll find out I'm sure. 

Production on this video is taking a little longer than usual for two reasons. 

1. I wanted to take a short break, since I've been pretty full on between work and YouTube especially with the previous two videos. 

2. I wanted to read the novel the game is based on first, to better understand the game and its inspiration. 

All that stuff is done and out of the way now so I'll be digging into the game later today. All going well we should hopefully see the video sometime next week, but i'll of course keep you updated. 

As with any Cryo video, we should hopefully be in for a good time. Until then please accept this picture of my cats hanging out in their tree.

Much love, 




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