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Howdy friends,

Hope you're keeping well! Just a small update to let you know what's happening with the Capcom project.

As you can tell the mid-June release window for the video has long passed. The reason is that the video is likely pushing 6 hours now, which is not only a very long time to be editing anything, but also when you get to around 4-5 hours most editing software ceases to function properly (Takes nearly 15 mins to boot up and also crashes like every 30 mins, it's not fun.)

I'll be putting a huge shift this weekend to hopefully push through the final few pieces of the video. I've got 70 of the 80 games edited, so I've got those remaining few, the outro of the video and I also need to shoot all the live-action segments of which I've got 30-40 to do. It sounds like a lot but trust me the bulk of the work is out of the way.

Once again I appreciate your patience, this project has been a monumental and very exhausting effort, it kinda harkens back to the experience of doing my first video, because it feels like something where I'm very much out of my depth, but as always I'll trust the process and hope everything comes together when all is said and done.

As of right now I'd expect the video to appear sometime next week, the Capcom Club PlayStation is still going to pop up beforehand so keep your eyes (and ears) peeled for that.

Much love,

(Sorry about the lack of cat pictures, I'll make up for it next time!)



Glad to finally be supporting!

Ozzy Garcia

Still working my way through the Capcom video but feel it is necessary to commend you on the work. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to do this. The final product is excellent, as expected. I just wouldn’t want you to burn out!