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Howdy friends,

I hope you're all keeping well!

I'm just popping in for a little update on how the big Capcom project is progressing.

As per usual it's ballooned somewhat, mostly thanks to my writer self not being considerate to my editer self, but I should have expected that by now!

Since we last talked, I've finished the script for the video. It's coming in at a whopping 102 pages, and I recall the SquareSoft video was around 67 pages so... yeah I've got a few long nights ahead of me. I'm still doing a few rewrites here and there to tighten up the consistency and flow of it a bit, but I assure you I tried to keep it as short as I could :P

Art and graphics have also been completed which is great. I'm sticking to the format I used in the SquareSoft video which includes adding the release dates per region, but it spruced up a little with some Capcom Colours. Unsurprisingly it took a long time to make 80 of them but, I'm happy to have them all out of the way too!

All that's left now is the audio recording and editing, which I'm taking turns doing bit by bit to avoid losing my voice, sadly I need to talk an awful lot during my day job too so I have to be careful not to overdo it!

As of right now, I've got 10 of the 80 games edited, and while that may not seem like a huge amount, 3 of these games are probably the most awkward segments to edit in the video, since they contain little mini-segments that provide context on the CPS System, Saturn to PS1 Ports as well as another few bits and bobs. This is what I meant by my writer self screwing with my editing self because I had to capture like 40-odd clips from various arcade games and other consoles to add to the video, which sucks now but will make for a better video when all is said and done!

I'm still optimistic about that mid-June release window for the video, but I'm happy to take my time to ensure it's as good as it can be.

Once I've hit about the halfway point of editing, I'll prepare the Club PlayStation video which will let you know the video is imminent, but since I'm conscious I'm making you lovely Patrons wait extra long for a video, I'm gonna upload a Patreon exclusive teaser on the site in the coming days.

It will contain the opening of the video and the first 10 reviews, and will clock in at over 50 minutes! Think of it as a very long sneak peek.

It won't be something I do for every video since I'm not a fan of gatekeeping content behind a paywall, even for early access, but in this case, you're just seeing a glimpse of the full thing, so what's the harm? If you wish to wait for the full thing, I completely understand, but it's up to you either way!

As for other news, there's not much really!

-The two podcasts I appeared in with the HG101 crew talking about Pop'n Tanks and Terracon are live, so you can check them out here at the following link (I recorded both these podcasts at like 4 AM and was in a delirious state so apologies if they're bad) - https://hardcoregaming101.libsyn.com/

And that's about it, I've just been busy busy busy working away on the video, it's been a long and tough process but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Anyway until next time, thanks as always for your support and I hope life is treating you well.

Much love,

(Ps. Enjoy some pictures of the little angels)



Sean Sutton

Love those cats XD


Dawg you are absolutely outdoing yourself with the effort. Going through every Capcom game on PS1 is insane, you are doing a service to games archiving not just making great videos.