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After Talk Master List

These are randomly made, unscheduled extras provided for only our patrons. If you're really interested in the show, you can be in on our extra thoughts that didn't make it into the reaction. Enjoy!


Jamaal Wilson

More like Akane is established and is confident in her craft, so when Akane is turned up for a role then she is 1000% into it and it shows. Aqua and Ruby both have flaws they unconsciously are holding on to. Ruby was so frail in her past life that she still has to tear down that attachment to who she once was and fully embrace who she now is. Ruby never knew failure before because she was too weak to even try, but that means she also has never seen for herself what success truly looks like...she has only seen it in those she idolized, ie Ai! Then in the case of Aqua, he has never had such lofty goals of stardom in his new life, so he himself looks down on his abilities as an actor...but because of his attachment to Ai and her wanting him to be a famous actor, he unconsciously gets excited about it. Before Ai though, Aqua as the doctor in his past life bonded strongly with Sarina and it hurt him to lose such a sweet girl for a patient so young. Between both his attachment to Sarina and his subsequent love of idols, especially Ai, Aqua inherently developed a joy in seeing young authentic talent succeed. For as much as he knew Ai was a ton of lies, faking it until she made it real, he knew she was authentic about what she wanted. You notice there are two different types of times when Aqua develops the twinkle in his eye...when he himself is caught up in a task to his fullest ability, as well as when those he cares about are being authentically exceptional.