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Keep it quiet. 



Jon Doe

Serious question, have you ever considered retconning Driz’s whole subservient near mind broken state? After all this backstory it’d be a shame to throw it all away. What if she and Pecan just really commit to the whole sub and dom thing to the point where its second nature, but they still can be these more grounded selves if the situation calls for it? Just an idea. Then again who needs proper character development in porn lol


Same, I like their 'non-roleplay' moments as well. It gives them a foundation for an expanded relationship.


Definitely agree. I like Drizzle but I'm not super into the mindless puppy-dog thing. This dynamic they have going on is much cuter/more adorable


I think their backstory still works. I haven't finished it just yet, but getting close to wrapping up. I agree, I think we can revisit moments like this. I think they work as specific stories just between Pecan and Drizzle. When it's the whole gang together, I think it helps Driz to stand out from the others be being her loopy self. X-D But definitely, we can explore more with them like this.

Jon Doe

Oh def keep the dynamic of her being the crazy tickle obsessed sub, i just thought it’d be nice to see occasional moments of clarity, and possibly tenderness between these two friends turned master and pet! I was nervous at first to ask since i dont like to push my own thoughts on others work, but now im really happy i did! :D