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Final:  And here is the final piece.  I actually like how BB's breasts move in the rough sketch more than the final piece. X-D  Might go back and fix a bit if I have some time.  

Update 5:  Getting BB's movements down.  Her hair is giving me some issues.  I want it more bouncy, but just can't seem to get it the way I want.  Need to play with it more.  Will have to use some After Effects for this one also to help with layering.  The program I use only has 3 layers. X-D  I should really learn some new animating software.

Update 4:  Okay, let's get going with BB.

Update 3:  Started drawing Sorbet's clean lines, and adjusting a few things I wasn't digging.

Update 2:  Getting Sorbets movements down first. Then will tackle BB.

Update 1:  Don't worry Don't Stop tier patrons.  The next animation is on the way. X-D



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