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  • FinalAnimationLooping.mp4



Hey  Don't Stop Patrons,

So here is the final looping .mp4

Let me know if you can't view it.  I wanted to get you the animation since I've been having a hard time finding some...quite time X-D, to record the voice over for the rest of the movie segment with my making the drawing and animation.  I didn't want you all to wait any longer, and I'll have the full Pens & Feathers movie up very soon.

But in the meantime, here is Pecan.  I think this one turned out better than the public animation.  Its a shorter loop, but it turned out much more organic and less robotic. I do wish I could have gotten the loop to be seamless.  I did the best I could, but there are some random elements involved that make it hard to match the end with the beginning.

 What do you think?  Enjoy!  I'll be posting the full episode shortly!
