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Hmm...what do you all think?




I'm too merciful for my own good. I'd give her a break xD

Man of madness

That's a fair apology for me. Sensual massage into an orgasm to finish things. Edit: She MAY be faking this to get a break...but such things have been done before. The main point is that she said apologized. Plenty of time to punish falsehood in the future. Also to add I mean a full body massage into orgasm.


My bleeding heart... Maybe a massage and a head pat, she looks traumatized.

Jon Doe

Time for a break ;w;

Chad Frasemer

I think she’s had enough.


She deserves a nice gentle massage now

Cubi Studios

It's a fake apology! Don't be fooled :P You know she'll just come at us again if we stop.


It's just not enjoyable when the ticklee is crying like that and I feel sorry for her. A break is definitely in order.


There's that apology! 👍 I'm okay with letting her go now. She's learned her lesson to not mess with us so I think it's time to let her meet the girls


I think for now, she's good to go. If she acts out again, that's another story. ;) But she needs some aftercare or orgasms after all of that.


She looks like she's had enough. It's time to be gentle.


Maybe time for a break, but make her say it again and mean it

Tokyo Driftwood

five second break, then twice as hard


Give her a break and a chance to tell you that she means it. If she doesn't... Well... I think you know what to do B3


That last please just makes me want to give her a hug! I think she's had enough and just needs a break. She was a brat but i she's paid for it for sure.


Yeah, probably best if she had a break.

Jake J.

I'd say she's had enough. You should make her do something embarrassing as a final punishment though. Show off her feet willingly or something she'll hate 😂


Yeah I think she's had enough we finally got that apology. Now it's time to show her how kind and accommodating, and pampering we 'foot freaks' (as she puts it) can be towards her. Let's reward her apology with something that she'll like, maybe a foot massage that hits all the right spot, maybe that'll change what she thinks of us.


I don't believe it. I think she's lying... Maybe. I say we continue!


Now she deserves gentle care.


Am I the only one here that wants to see her tickled to her absolute breaking point? Sigh...

Man of madness

Not particularly...but I'm up to giving chances. Plenty of time for vengeance should she act too uppity.


I stand by what I said earlier. I think she's had enough punishment for being a brat.


I once again vote to let her go.


Perhaps she's learned her lesson. For now anyway XD