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I hope you all have been enjoying breaking Pecan. X-D  But it's time to do some more voting.  Specifically on what Drizzle should do.  I've been reading over lots of comments, and have come up with this list of actions.  Let's see what the masochist will do.


Andrew Martinez

Comfort and kisses cause it should be her default go to thanks to pecans training >:3 mwahhahaha


drizzle should break out the scrub brushes !!

Cubi Studios

Maybe comfort and kisses at the end, but we’re in torture land right now! :P too early for comfort, Pecan never gives breaks, she can’t get one!


A combination of joining the other girls and comforting her. Seems somewhat in character for her, IMO. :P


I'll vote for tickling her even if it looks like i won't win. Revenge time!


Drizzle is too broken to actually see torture as revenge, that doesn't seem IC of her. Comforting her and then maybe joining in, if at least to distract Pecan might be fun.