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Okay, so after I looked over the suggestions, this is the situation I came up with.  And since hard and mind breaking won the poll, we are gonna start off with that.

Now, don't worry for all those who wanted a more slow and teasing type of torture.  We will definitely do that, but for now, its a hard core tickle torture. X-D

I'll also make some poll so we can jostle the girls around to different locations and such.

And that unknown element...Drizzle...wonder what's gonna happen there. XD




Oh my, she's not handling her situation well. I wonder about Drizzle myself too...


Wow, just wow...they really are giving it to her hard! I'm really wondering about Drizzle too. She's been Pecan's slave for so long she must know all about her weaknesses, if she chooses to exploit them...


And we're off! How long will she last? XD


Resistance is useless ! *w*

Cubi Studios

The Jelly bean is being left out! What restraint it has :P Love it so far.