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Just wanted to give a little heads up.  You may have noticed that some art has been removed.  Recently, most of the Dessert Bite pieces.  I got in a little trouble with Patreon this morning, and I think it was because the Dessert Gals looked a bit loli.  Again, I can't be sure, and that wasn't my intention, but I removed some of them, and now I am back in good standing.  I guess going forward, with the Dessert Bite pieces, we'll keep it much more tame.

Just a heads up.



..........you gotta be kidding me. How do any of them look "loli"????


Aw boo! Is there anywhere else where you can post them?


It's silly that they have to make a big deal out of something like that, especially considering there are other artist that draw loli like characters on Patreon. Maybe there's another outlet you can post them on?

Jake J.

How does the dominant subscription-based art hosting site not have anyone on-staff who knows the difference between loli and chibi?


I could put them on Twitter I suppose, but if so then everyone could see them, not just paying patrons. Doesn’t seem fair to you all. I’ll leave the decision up to all of you.


I could put them on twitter, but I do know how fair that would be to paying patrons if everyone got access to them.


I think maybe because of the body proportions being different. I’m not sure. I don’t have much experience with drawing more chibi like style. Then again, I suppose it’s a subjective decision depending on whomever is viewing the piece, if they consider it loli or not. This is all new to me so I don’t really know.


I suppose, because of the subjective nature, some don’t see a difference. I’ll keep doing them, but just keep them clothed I supposed, and more tame. Or just draw them more in their normal body proportions.


Maybe put them on an online cloud service like Dropbox/MegaNZ and link them on Patreon instead?


That might work, so long as Patreon doesn’t have any issues with links being on here.