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So interesting story behind this image.  While I regularly tickle my wife, she has a dom side that she, has been wanting to explore.  A friend of ours, who is very submissive, would love to participate.  This, this image popped into my head, an all party members were happy with it. :)



Andrew Martinez

Luky wish I had friends like that near me


Hooooooooooooooooooooo????? Now this is quite interesting. I wonder if we're going to be seeing something new on here, with your Wife's persona and this new "submissive friend"? A great image on here though, love the devious an cruel word play on here. Being told to "admit their enjoyment" of the torture, thinking they'll be eased of it. But only to suffer more from it since they "love it so much" Cruel yet utterly awesome at the same time.