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A special little Surprise for the Holidays!

My wonderful friend @worstwizard designed me a lovely sticker which you can now own of my fave pair, Kaede and Kor!

I'm taking orders just for my Patrons.

It'll be shipped with an exclusive little postcard print as well of this.

The stickers plus shipping will be $12. You can sign up here! These ARE limited and I will close them after a certain threshold has been reached.

Please note that these will likely be shipped in after Christmas and arrive in the New Year!

Also thank you everyone for the patience with me. My kitty unfortunately passed on last week and I took a short break on here.




I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved friend, take all the time you need <3 I am also very excited for stickers and hope there’s a spot left on Friday when I get paid :3


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️