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What if we kissed under the dick statue? 👉👈

See more stuff on my masterpost. Patreon Masterpost | Cloud on Patreon.




Is that statue, the water is supposed to be.....COUGH alfredo flowing out of her mouth? and there's even someone sitting on the rocket 🚀 ship statue. (Oh and I forgot to ask, is the statue anyone specific to the Narakyians or just some lady?)


Likely that was the artist's intentions. And they're all historically notable courtesans. This huge one is super old, probably going back about 300 years. The legendary lady of dick sucking I'm sure.


plot twish, she technically did give it to her hubby B)


Cloud, where can we send you tips? Seen on Twitter recently you’ve been going through some rough times, so I would like to send some small extra £ support to show appreciation for the continued amazing work you do despite all your going through.


...is she whoopsiedoodle magicking some water right now?