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Okay deep breathes for me, I'm starting this terrifying adventure.

Our Fierce Differences chronicles the fraught romantic adventure of Kaede and Kor so strap in. It's political and very sexy, so the normal content warnings of my usual NSFW stand, but I also want to give a general content warning that it's going to deal with some difficult topics. They'll be highlighted before hand so it won't be out of the blue but heads up on it all.

Some notes about the general release schedule.

It's going to be Patreon exclusive for the moment. I do plan to release this publicly but I really want to have a very good buffer of pages as webcomics are difficult and life gets in the way often enough. I'm having the first three pages be released on the Meat-Bun level but going forward it's going to be on the Noodle Bowl level!

The release schedule is really not going to be super consistent. I'm going to do my level best to get 1-2 pages a week, but things are going to happen. I may have weeks where I do 5, I may have weeks where I do none. I've been trying for a while to get most of the legwork out of the way, but it's problems are going to happen, especially with my incoming wedding. I'll be often uploading WIPs too with some lettering so there will always be something going.

ALSO I may also go back and edit/revamp pages as I get into the groove of things. The lore of this world is complicated and I definitely will need to edit the odd word, or I'm going to realise something doesn't make sense. All part of my incoherent process, so if you spot something has changed, don't fret, that's just me being me. I am a hyper perfectionist and I really want to get this right!

This whole comic will be tagged under 'our fierce differences' so you can all read it more clearly also. There's also some concept art and other fun stuff in the tag if you're interested.

See more stuff on my masterpost. Patreon Masterpost | Cloud on Patreon.



Emmalyn K.

eeeee I'm excited!!!


So excited to see their story 🥺😍


Wooh! Congrats Cloud! Excited to see their story unfold and wishing you all the best for this project! You got this!

Joe Zuniga

I'm really looking forward to this! Thanks for doing what you do and you totally have this!
