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Hello all. We're moving into September tomorrow and I wanted to give an update!

As of September til' November, I'm going to be taking an extended break. My patreon will still be active and, so people can join and look at already available content. But I will be mostly gone beyond the odd piece of art and post on my progress.

The reasons are mostly that I want to give my full attention to my next large project and that I'm also out of the country on a series of long overdue holidays. This is a bit out of left field, so I'm posting some Q&A below

Why are you doing this?

Well the last few months have been utterly exhausting to say the least. I love this Patreon. It's given me so much freedom to do exactly what I want in terms of my art. But I've been balancing it with a fulltime job that I'm slowly pulling away from which has been a slow and rough process. There's also pressure to post and engage with people, which under normal circumstances is something I enjoy doing! But right now I have my full attention focused on my larger project, which is a collected mess of sketches, thumbs and 3d concepts. These are hard to parse and harder to post and I honestly didn't want to subject all my patrons to half baked sketches and ramblings about large things going into smaller things for two months straight

On top of that, I am going to be on a much needed holiday for a large chunk of September and then I'm teaching in October for a few weeks. There's just not quite enough time to maintain my patreon to the level I'd normally like. So here we are! The break will allow me to focus on the larger project, sort out some personal day-job things and get myself back on track.

Will you be posting at all?

Extremely sporadically, I may post the odd sketch, commission, or update to the project including some comic pages that I'm currently working on when I feel it's polished enough. It just won't be at the same rate that I would normally. This is a balance where I want to be comfortable about what I'm posting, giving you guys some content and also actually taking the necessary break I need to sort out some things and focus on my project.

What about your large comic project with Kaede and Kor? I thought that was in the works.

So Our Fierce Differences is very much underway and coming all together. I may post an update to it on here during September/October including snapshots of the pages or little tidbits. It's a massive undertaking for me and I want my full attention to putting that squeaky clean polish on the art and story. It's what I've been working towards now for about two years and I want it to read good and look good. I will hopefully have more proper updates by November.

What about your comics/discord?

My comics will still up here to read and my discord will be business as usual, minus all the usual patreon posts. As always, you can check my master post for the comics and the discord link here. Important to note that I won't be kicking anyone off my discord until November so don't feel you have to leave that space if you're more comfortable editing your pledge.

Will your commissions be open?

No during this time commissions will be closed. They will reopen again in November. Current commissions will be finished up shortly.

Will I be charged?

Yes. I'm not pausing as I still will be sporadically posting (and I want to be kind to myself) but I want to stress that anyone who wants to cancel and then repledge in November can do so, or lower your pledge! If you do stick around I sincerely appreciate the support. It'll be really helpful towards my larger project and myself really.

I will see you on the other side at around the 1st of November!




Glad you are able to take a full-time break. Hope you have a great holiday and are able to switch off fully! See you when you're ready


Good! Rest! Buy yourself an appetizer AND desert! <3