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Maybe a slightly underwhelming ending but I was stuck for a while on how to organize these panels. Potential for more?? Maybe one day, but I have other projects I want to get to so for now, this short comic is finishing! Hope ya'll enjoyed!

This will be packaged together with a massive image pack I'm planning soon.

Major test tomorrow, and then back to commissions ><

Go to my masterpost for more Patreon Masterpost | Cloud on Patreon



C Cruz

That apron is perfection 😍😏


I disagree I don't think this was underwhelming at all. It's wraps it up nicely in a way that we can be content with the short comic by itself or in the future if you ever felt like expanding you could. Wonderfully done. Goodluck on your test!!!!!!


I actually love the way you wrapped this up! And good luck on your test!!


This ending hit the sweet spot 💚