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As we slip into the holidays, things will be a little slower then usual around here. Christmas is always a bit intense in my country and I basically have family engagements booked solid! So for the next two weeks there'll be a bit of worldbuilding, some commission work, an adoptable and then a two week break for me, where I'll be uploading a little mini comic available for all tiers and basically sketches. I basically want to focus a little on a larger project and I feel I've been against the wall with other stuff everytime I sit down to write so instead I want to take some me time and focus on that.

I plan to reopen commissions again in January, thanks for everyone's patience!

Again thank you all for sticking on this patreon. I had a really good surge of success this year and your support means the world to me!

As always, look at my masterpost for more Patreon Masterpost | Cloud on Patreon


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