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Irenians are the delicate fishers of the upper continent seas. They are built to swim long distances and withstand colder temperatures. Living in small communities, they are rather closed off and insular, viewing purity and virtue as their core tenant and rejecting all forms of outside influence. To outsiders, their complicated system of class intertwined with religion is nearly impenetrable Their lives revolve around the water, both as a religion and their source of their livelihoods and nearly all Irenian villages exist right against the large upper seas.

Their small bodies have very thin, long frames and they usually stand no higher then 5,0 feet. Omnivores, their diet consists of a combination of the fish they catch and local vegetables that are grown near the shores. Their tails are rudder like and their wings are smooth, allowing them to propel themselves quickly in the water like a fish. Though their wings are small, they are quick and lithe fliers, able to dart and turn quickly when necessary but they cannot fly for long periods.

Despite their delicate frames, they are very hardy in the cold, even able to swim in icy waters for a short amount of time. During the winters, their seas freeze entirely over though and even the Irenians will bundle up in warm clothing to keep their body temperatures up. 

Irenian eyes are almost always a bright blood red, with some being slightly more orange then pure red. Rarely, an Irenian is born with bright blue eyes and those born with this mutation are venerated in their communities as messengers to the deities. They have excellent eyesight, able to see incredible distances, even in the water and at night which helps them spot the flash of fish down in their seas.

Skin colour ranges from dark blues to near pure white, with their hair colour often being in stark difference to their skin, either near black or pure white. Their markings are delicate and unique lines that match the movement of water, helping them hide when they need to in the seas.

The small adornments on their head are called jang-tsui's and always come in pairs but differ in size depending on the Irenian's genetics. The top pair are always the biggest of the two however. They are moveable and tend to go up and down depending on the Irenian's mood, coming close to the head when upset or generally emotional for example. They are very sensitive to changes in pressure or movement and within the water they can be used to sense shoals of fish moving before they're even seen. Both genders tend to be similar, though Irenian males are typically slightly larger and stronger and women have larger and more sensitive jang-tsui's. 

Wanted to get some information down on Kaede's species, the Irenians.

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Cactus (edited)

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2023-06-13 21:05:49 i want one O>O
2021-09-06 22:52:54 i want one O>O

i want one O>O