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Unlike the other races, Narakyian do not have a strong drive to produce children and because of their intricate contraceptive magic unplanned pregnancies are practically non-existent. Offspring tends to happen within strict marriages purely to connect families, strengthen alliances or simply to bolster the population of an area and the marriages are decided upon by elders or the parents. These marriages are usually brief encounters between two Narakyian that are specifically to produce children over a year or so. Usually marriages produce one or two children and then are dissolved once the children reach an appropriate age. Bigger families are incredibly rare, but in the wilder and less populated areas they do happen. Even with their contraceptive knowledge Narakyian actually struggle to make each other pregnant, with pregnancies never happening quickly. Once pregnant, the gestation is about 13 months with Narakyian children being born very small. They are born without horns and manes, which begin to develop at about 6 months old and three years old respectively.

Narakyian children usually stay within close proximity of the parents until the ages of about five years old. At that point they are brought to nurseries where they are kept in close contact with other children for most of their day. These places exist within the confines of towns and cities, and are huge, often housing hundreds of children. Nurseries run across all classes so it's not unusual to see commmon-born and nobles brought up together. Narakyian called brood-parents act as both parent and educator. All Narakyian learn to read, write and fight through these nurseries. These nurseries are split up into three age groups, from 5-10, then 10-14 and finally 14-18. Narakyian learn different levels of skills within these groups and are kept strictly apart.

Though they mostly live in these nurseries Narakyian children will often return to be with their parents, especially during festivals and rest days. Traditionally, Narakyian are taught by their parents to fly, usually around 8 years old and they retain a strong bond for life with them and their wider family circles.

Much like adults, Narakyian begin to display strong sexual urges at around the ages of fifteen or sixteen. They have sexual 'debuts' in later years, usually at a twenty or slightly older. In this they are presented to their communities as viable sexual partners and get their ears pierced as a visual indication of their adulthood. From there Narakyian will often train in a specific career, such as food, war or something else depending usually on their upbringing and what their families and larger community needs.

Bonus sketch of Kor's mother and Kor. She's a very well built Queen!



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