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Introducing Kari, my newest Narakyian Adoptable, a tall noble court lady! I utterly adore her design so I was tempted to keep her for myself, but here she is for someone to nab.

Bidding will start at $70 and will continue til' Monday at 2pm GMT. 

If you would like to bid, please post a comment with the amount you wish to bid below. Mininmum bid is $5 and please pay attention to the latest and largest bid. If no-one's interested in her I'll move her to twitter. You'll receive this image and rights to her design. I can change her personality, pronouns and sexuality if you so desire but her design is fixed.

Just to clarify some things about the Narakyians and use of them, I'm perfectly fine with them being used in all sorts of commissions from artists. I know they're incredibly tall so I can appreciate if they need to be sized down or if the wings need to be removed. Just I would appreciate being linked back to me when you post them personally!



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