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Hi y'all.

I've been hinting that I'm "writing a prog song". Well, I've been devoting all my time to the channel and this community. And, the writing has waited.

I recently had a chance to work some more on what I wanted to say with this project. And, now that I'm comfortable with that, I'm starting to try small segments and see what happens. 

This is the result of today's evening session. I screen recorded this simple playback via my notation software. At the moment, I've sketched in piano, bass, strings, and voice. (I envision the voice performed down an octave from where it's sounding. (Although, if Floor is available, maybe it can stay there!)

This is unedited and a real first sketching session of some phrases for a verse early in the song. I don't know if I'll keep it, but it was fun to sketch again.

This is the first time I've ever shared something like this so new in the process. I trust this community, and I wanted you to see that I'm finding some time to write again. And, I'm thankful to this community for the support and for helping make this happen!


Guitar Channel

Very nice. Like the instrumentation and the vocal part.

Rebecca Walsh

I used to really enjoy writing new songs. It was the finishing/polishing them up that annoyed me, the production of sound/rhythm is time consuming and I can appreciate someone who is willing to work through all of that! I would love to hear this song grow from childhood to the finish product. Thank you for sharing this!