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OK...I'm too excited about this to keep it a secret...we've got a new Extended Intro sequence that we're planning to exclusively use on videos here on Patreon.

Our friend Tim Waurick recorded the vocals, and I wrote the extended Tag.

John was over with us last night, and we were talking about how we wanted to present this visually. We brainstormed and thought of combining several clips of my more memorable antics. But the thought of compiling all those things was a bit overwhelming. SO...I decided to riff a 'march' to my desk from the top of the stairs that lead to our apartment. John, then, did a bit of his editing magic. 

I don't know if I'll use this for every Patreon video...maybe just the fan favorites and other special things. We'll see!

I hope you like it! It features a few recent Council gifts...a replica Freddie Mercury jacket and a beautiful shaker. Thanks, as always, for all your support!


Richard Elliott

Nice one Doug with a bit of humour to lighten the load 👍😁

Bill Brinkmoeller

Oh, thank you! This made me laugh a great deal! Doug, one of the things that made me love what you do is the fact that, in spite of your vast musical knowledge, you happily don't take yourself all that seriously. Don't ever change, sir!