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For our next Extended Play Lounge, I'm looking to review a classic album featuring performances and songs by women. We're celebrating Women's History month with our Fan Favorites, and these albums are some that I wish to look into more specifically. I've never heard any of these all the way through...but I know a little from every album.

Select your preferred choice! The Poll will end


Christopher Arters (relative timeworx - Mr.A)

Over the course of years, it's easy to forget (or simply miss) how significant Heart's Dreamboat Annie was in terms of establishing women in rock. Heart emerged on the scene with an edge, but also sophistication. Ann Wilson could hold her ground with the best of the male front-men - she all to often gets left off "greatest lead vocalist" lists. Sure, the other options all have their greatness, but Dreamboat Annie was a lightning bolt when it arrived.

Nicholas Koenig

Carol King is a musical beast!! Enough said!

Richard Rathbun

Had to vote for Nina. But looks like she won't get through 😑

Anthony Taylor

The Wilson sisters, nothing like them, and what a beast of a band!

Great Scott

I'd prefer Carole King, but it looks like Heart is in the lead for now, which would be my second choice.

Bill Brinkmoeller

I'll nearly always vote for Joni if I have a chance.


Nina Simone is a fascinating artist with a both dark and fascinating life. Along with Dinah Washington, my favorite jazz singer, and our Swedish Monica Zetterlund, (unknown in the USA for obvious reasons) she is top shelf in her field. But Dinah has never got the recognition she deserves because she was always drowned in orchestral arrangements like something from an effing Disney film from the 50's or 60's. But such was the contract that she couldn't get out of. If my memory serves me correct that's why she, like many before and after her, became a victim of the rock and roll life style. But you can hear the greatness of Dinah when her voice is isolated or in a few recordings without the Disney orchestra. There's a recording of This Bitter Earth on the album The Blue Notebooks (you can track it down on YouTube as well) where Disney is replaced by modern more subtle and suitable strings, amazing. On the one in this link you can really hear the clarity in her voice, the pitch, the technique and feel the immense passion. Honorable mention to Eartha Kitt, a really great artist and so provoking that president Lyndon B. Johnson sent the FBI on her after she had argued with him about the Vietnam war. She did that in public when she was invited to The White House for dinner. But she didn't back down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yxEuu_nGdw&list=PLKfD-9lvFlUEz2VaKvKwiQE0Y8R54scDR&index=33


One shall always vote for one's favorite, not follow the stream. I also voted for Nina, she's amazing.

Andrew Mellor

I would have loved to see Kate Bush, Sandy Denny or Joan Armatrading in the choices.

Macon Patton

I have to go with Joni or Carol. I feel like I’ve seen enough documentaries on Tapestry to last me. Joni gets my vote.

Don K Mal 1

Heart is one of my Top 10 groups. Voting: Dreamboat Annie...dk

Pam Norris

I voted for Heart just because I’d rather hear some rock on the channel and their contribution to the genre goes beyond their gender.

William Drum Marcus

Still waiting for John McLaughlin Belo Horizonte, and Aspen

Anderson Davies

You can vote for Sandy in the new poll. Fairport Convention is up with her in the lead.

Donald Holloway

You have to react to Joni Mitchell because she is one of, if not the greatest singer songwriter ever.