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I'm continuing on in both my 'vinyl series' and in my "Moody Blues" series with In Search of the Lost Chord, the band's 3rd album. I listened to Days of Future Passed back in Episode 22.

I really enjoyed this album. It's so smart...and I love hearing from most of the band on lead vocals and as lyricists. I hope you enjoy!

Unlisted Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/761657235/2bd2ae13de


In Search of the Lost Chord (The Moody Blues) Extended Play Lounge - Episode 30

This is "In Search of the Lost Chord (The Moody Blues) Extended Play Lounge - Episode 30" by Doug Helvering on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos...



I was 11 when this album came out, so I had to steal it from my older brothers whenever they left the house so I could listen to it on my own. Its done nothing but get better in the intervening 54 years.

Illume Eltanin

Here's my very personal interpretation of side 1 of In Search of The Lost Chord. I'll share side two when I give it another listen. I was very young when this came out, eight years old in '68, so I don't think I first heard it until the early to mid '70s. Of course, I have my own detailed interpretation of the journey we're taken on in this album. Departure: The basic outline of the concept; that there's something inside all of us yearning for a mystical "more." Ride My See-Saw: We're beginning our search to fulfill that yearning. Education and career have satisfied the material and mundane. Now it's time to see what more there is to our existence. Dr. Livingston, I Presume: Even with traveling the world and seeing many varied and wondrous sites, that yearning is still not assuaged. The Search continues. House of Four Doors: The Search takes us to meditation of Sight and Sound. In some methods of meditation, the practitioner sits calmly with eyes closed and in silence. It is believed both visions and sounds will come to them during that time, which will gradually lead them to enlightenment. 1. The first door describes the realization that we have this yearning within us. 2. The second door describes the wonder (beauty) the acolyte may experience when they discover a path that initially speaks to their own spiritual growth. 3. The third door describes the sounds one may hear when sitting in silent meditation, supposedly elevating their spirit closer to Nirvana. 4. The saying above the fourth door is confirmation that the seeker is on the right path, but that their journey is not yet finished. Legend of a Mind: As a teen in the '70s, Timothy Leary and his experiments with LSD were fairly well known. I think this song acknowledges the mind expansion properties of psychedelics, yet is also saying that chemically enhanced mind expansion is not what the inner yearning is about. I also feel the placement of this song before going through the fourth door shows the seeker experimenting with other routes to enlightenment, but returning to meditation to continue the inner journey. House of Four Doors (part 2): The seeker finds himself outside with nothing around him. But then, similar to being shown the path of meditation in the first part of House of Four Doors, a light breaks through the seekers heart, clearly showing the way to spiritual enlightenment for them. Again, this is my very personal interpretation of side 1 of In Search of The Lost Chord. I'm not saying it is correct, or is what the Moody Blues fully intended. But, it works for me.

Illume Eltanin

Continuing on with my personal breakdown of the concept of the album. The first three tracks on side 2 are a good grouping, as they represent to me the Seeker's attempt at integrating what they are experiencing on their journey within with their outer mundane life. Voices In The Sky: Our Spiritual Seeker wonders where others, including animals and plants, are in their own spiritual journey and connection to The All. The Best Way To Travel: Here we experience the inner journey nearly taking over the Seeker's perception of bliss and possibly even pleasure. They can imagine anything, and by applying meditation techniques to it, mentally experience nearly anything. Such thinking can also be a trap, though and may distract the acolyte from spiritual progression. Visions of Paradise: Is there anything better than finding one's Soul Mate? The idea fits in with this journey, but for me it's a little "clumsy." I think another Justin Hayward love song was desired after Nights In White Satin, and Hayward and Thomas came up with this stunner. The Actor: For me, this is a combination of thoughts towards both one's Soul Mate and The All. The desire to be with both can be all encompassing. The lack of need to go anywhere, as the Truth "comes so easily" via inner meditation. The Actor refers to the public face one puts on for the mundane world, but which can be dropped when seeking inner bliss. The Word: The summation of The Journey, up until attaining Nirvana. Om: Nirvana is attained, both via the Inner Journey and in every aspect of the Seeker's mundane life without.

George Davis-Stewart

Interesting to ponder what might have been... Moody Blues producer was introduced to the nascent King Crimson when The Moody Blues were looking to recruit for their new Threshold label; he apparently envisioned Moody Blues Mk.2 and lasted a week. As a consequence ITCOTCK was self-produced.

MrWondrous David Beckwith

Confession. This was my second time listening to this pregnant and prescient masterpiece today, and it really is better with another. This one has a special meaning for me as it was a life-changer. It was beautiful to see that it also changed your life. My first mind expansion experience coincided with the listening of this album whilst meditating upon the yantra. Over half a decade later and I feel as youthful and pliable as then. Their music, like Jon Anderson's, has a healing, rejuvenating quality to it. And oft was the troubled time that was healed by medicinal Yes or medicinal Moody Blues. Hearing it this way, as a whole, you can see the progression from life on the see-saw to the higher vibration at the end of discovery boulevard. I ran into Timothy Leary twice, decades apart, and he signed my copy of "Jail Notes" wherein he had said that Gurdjieff's masterpiece was the great work of the 20th century. Then in his 90s, surely, he was as spry as a cat...but up close was a zillion cracks. Sun guy. Anyway. Memory lane. Thanks again. Special.


That was lovely. One of my favourite albums. Mellotron heaven


When Days of Future Past was released in 1967. I sat in my room with the lights off listening to it for hours on end. When In Search of the Lost Chord came out, I didn't play it for weeks because I didn't think it could surpass DOFP and I didn't want to be disappointed. I wasn't. 54 years have gone by and I still feel the triumph of Legend of a Mind and get chills every time I hear The Actor.

David Marshall

The truth that comes so easily... one's own direct experience. What a great musical expression of this wisdom.

Stop Propaganda

Every album up till "Seventh Sojourn" can make extended play classics. So Doug you have plenty of Moody's music to keep us happy! "The Actor" is one of my all time favorite songs!


I think listening to a remastered cd (such as one with 5.1 sound) would enhance this particular album (especially with "Legend of a Mind," which you pointed out, sounds a bit "washed out"). This is definitely a headphones album.

Barbara Hughes

Doug, this was WONDERFUL! What a delight it was to see and hear you react to (most of) the music for the VERY FIRST TIME! All my memories came flooding back from when I was a teenager. And I must say, your insights as to the motivation and nature of their music from the viewpoint of 50+ years later are so profoundly right on! May I ask: What are the chances that you might release this video out onto your main YouTube channel at some point? I would share it particularly with two of my friends on Facebook -- the wives of Ray Thomas and Mike Pinder -- along with a couple of other Moody FB pages. You would get a tremendous response from so many diehard Moody fans who either haven't heard of you yet or aren't on Patreon. More subscribers! I am sure that they would all be as delighted with your responses to this great album as Mark and I were. Much love to you and Megan!!


Thanks Barbara! I've added the unlisted vimeo link to the video's description. I would be honored to have the wives of Ray and Mike see this. That's probably all the exposure I'd want for now, though...as it will likely make its way to YouTube in the future.

Thom P

I have to agree about Justin Hayward's voice. The Actor is such a standout track even though Pinder and Thomas are still leading the way at this point. I enjoy all incarnation of the band but the four part harmony of this lineup is pure magic.