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Hey Y'all!

We started this Patreon on July 25, 2021. It's hard to believe it's already been a year! Later today (Saturday, July 23) we're celebrating with a special Daily Doug Live Hangout, and all our patrons are invited!

We're meeting at 4:00pm eastern time. We'll likely be on for a few hours or more. We'll listen to some great music, chat about things happening in music and on the channel, and enjoy each other's company.

I want to play and revisit some favorite moments from the past year. If you have a favorite EPL, Behind the Score, Fan Favorites, or Council hangout moment, let us know below. I'll select a few favorites to include in the broadcast.

This is normally a perk for the Council of Dougs (top tier). But, we're inviting the entire community on this special occasion. Come when you can, and stay as long as you're able.

The zoom link is included below. Cheers!





Favorite moment: Doug losing his mind over the layers of composition in Firth of Fifth.


Memorable moment: Doug's reaction to the weird animation / claymation in a Frank Zappa video he was watching

Christopher Arters (relative timeworx - Mr.A)

My favorite Doug moment is yet to come... when he listens to Jon Anderson perform Awaken with Tod Mobile orchestra and choir from Iceland! Guaranteed no dry eye in the house!!


I missed it. Will there be a replay posted?