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It's time to start thinking about our next Extended Play Lounge Episode. I was pleased to review Days of Future Passed from the Moody Blues last time. For this round of polling, I'm selecting bands that haven't yet been included on the EPL. 

The voting will be active through Saturday, June 25. Happy Voting!



I really hope Gentle Giant get a poll to themselves at some point. They will never win the popular vote when pitted against bigger artists, but there is so much to dig into with their music.

Arpeggio Blues

And, Doug, this one (unlike the decision for Dark Side of the Moon in two parts.. OPERATION MINDCRIME .. MUST be played in its entirety.. It's sad that one voice in the council of dougs railroaded the playing of both sides at the same time.. Indicates that there is a clique and that clique gets most of the attention.. 200k ppl that's what happens.. used to be really cool and interactive when it was smaller group.. but I'll wait and see before leaving ..

Dennis Perkins

As suggested above, please please run a gentle giant only pulled. They are never going to win the popularity contest now that the channel is filled up with eagles fans and others. Octopus is waiting for Doug's critique.It needs to happen.Is soon.


"Free Hand", ideally the live version from "Playing the Fool" is my go to for GG newbies.


I love the Talking Heads but SMS is more of a “best of.” Fear of Music is a way more cohesive set of songs and would be a blast as an EPL episode.

Einaras Sipavičius

I see a lot of complaints from Gentle Giant fans. Don't y'all worry, Doug will eventually react to some GG. At some point, Doug will miss GG music himself. It's about patience. Btw, Doug has already reacted to one full album (Free Hand), an advantage Gentle Giant has over other four competitors. That's why I didn't vote for Octopus, albeit being one of my favorite albums by one of my favorite bands. And I understand you, I'm also waiting for another Van der Graaf Generator reaction for more than a year now, but I'm patient. I voted for Operation: Mindcrime. Just because it's one of the best concept albums, period. It's a hallmark achievement by the band that hasn't been surpassed. Very cohesive, great sounding, adventurous experience. I also wanted to vote for The Snow Goose, but it can wait for a little bit :)


Doug reacted to the entire Free Hand that can be found on Vimeo and also did Knots in a Behind the Score Series selection.


He did the full album listen of DSOTM on Patreon. He just decided to release the 1st side on YouTube.


I'm a fan of 3 of these, but am voting for David Bowie because the Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars album just recently celebrated its 50th anniversary (June 1972 - June 2022) and I had recommended it in the Discord recommendation channel for this reason. And it is just a classic. If it doesn't win, then please consider including some or all of the album for the YouTube channel's Friday Classsics. If I remember correctly, you already discussed Gentle Giant's "Knots" for your Behind the Score series. That is my favorite song from Octopus. Talking Heads Stop Making Sense is a great live album, but you really should watch the movie version, not just listen to the audio, as your first exposure to it, if you haven't already seen it.


If Doug did Stop Making Sense, it would definitely need to be the video. You really can't do without it.


Hi. I don’t know how you got the idea about DSOTM…it’s not accurate. I’m doing my best to keep things fresh and attentive to everyone’ tastes.


I’m sure we’ll do all of these at some point. It’s amazing how close the voting is.


Yep, SMS is theatrics in my view saw them three times once at CBGB around the time of 77 release, again on tour with Fear of Music and again for stop making sense. First time, quite raw also were Television. The second time they were awesome, but I love More Songs about buildings and food and they also did a fair of that. Stop Making Sense though I think they lost the edge. Tina looked bored, their was a definite tension and David was the big star.

David McCardell

I finally picked one that made it. I’m off to the casino now. 🙂

Ray Sincere

I wanted The Snow Goose. But all in good time. That one would be particularly appropriate for you, with its prominent use of orchestra and classical form. Question: How can you have five entries that add up to 100%, such that if you put them in sequence from lowest to highest, you would add 4% with each step upwards? The answer is above.


It has to be "Operation: Livecrime"