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For our next Extended Play Lounge, I'm interested in returning to the music of Rush. We've only done one Rush EPL, and it was episode 2. Now that we're at episode 20 (and 3 Rush albums currently have 3 of the top 7 votes for future EPLs), I think the time is right.

So, vote for the Rush album you'd most like to hear me react to.
- A Farewell to Kings (I've previously heard Xanadu and Cygnus Book 1)
- Clockwork Angels (I've only heard The Garden from this album)
- Moving Pictures (I only know Tom Sawyer from this album)
- Permanent Waves (none of these track titles look familiar)
- Snakes and Arrows (none of these track titles look familiar)


Paul Lowder

Please not Snakes & Arrows. I detest that album, and Vapour Trails. It’s hard to go wrong with Rush but I couldn’t stand Test For Echo through Snakes and Arrows .

Paul Lowder

You don’t recognise the Spirit Of Radio Doug? That and Tom Sawyer are probably their most famous songs.


Interesting! I thought S&A was a great return to form, and really enjoyed it. Especially live. That show was amazing. Ended up voting for Clockwork Angels though.

j z

I think you have to start with either moving pictures or permanent waves and go from there. I love the last 3 albums greatly too

David McCardell

Had to go with Permanent Waves. Some of Neil’s best lyrics. Natural Science is one I’d enjoy hear Doug’s thoughts on!


I picked Permanent Waves over Moving Pictures just because I’ve heard that album so many times, but these are all great picks so I’ll be happy regardless! Thanks Doug

Les Mable

Permanent Waves for me, but it's a close call against Moving Pictures. Happy either way. As noted elsewhere, there's plenty more to choose from or go back to on another occasion.

Richard Stoney

Farewell to Kings is great, but the two big tracks have been covered, so moving pictures it is for me. Includes some interesting musical structures.

Rick Morse

Really difficult to pick a favorite Rush album. Heck, I doubt I could confine my favorite Rush songs to list of 25!


Moving Pictures is great, but I think you would find Permanent Waves to be more musically interesting.

Kevin Marcinek

I hope you get to all of these at some point, but I had to vote for Moving Pictures first. Being that you only know its most famous song, there's so much for you to experience!

Dennis Perkins

Is it impolitic to make a plea for an end to all the Rush albums? True, they were a very successful band. It's heartbreaking to be unable to get Gentle Giant's Octopus on the channel because there are always more Rush fans. Please consider it for a full album review.


Did you see Doug's Behind The Score for Knots? I believe Doug has more GG scores, so I would assume there are plans for more GG on Behind the Score in the future.

Sugar Mouse

How about the hidden treasure The Working Hour by Tears For Fears ... it's a prog rock masterpiece. Here is the epic live version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVi2kmYRQ4g