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Thanks for voting in the first round of this episode's poll. Jethro Tull has won the first round, and now we're moving on to round 2. Vote for your preferred album that you'd like me to react to from the list provided below. 

I have not included Thick as a Brick because I've already reviewed that album on the YT channel. I've heard some music from Aqualung and Songs from the Wood previously and no music from A Passion Play, Mistrel in the Gallery, or Stand Up. Each of the choices suggested would be a full album reaction.

Round 2 will be active through Friday the 14th. I'll plan on recording the upcoming episode this weekend.

Happy voting!


Aaron West

I think it’s fine to not do a prog album for once. The second place finisher was Led Zep. This is Aqualung’s 50th anniversary and it’s an important album. Worth a reaction imo.


I'm sick to death of Aqualung.

Ray Sincere

Aqualung's probably going to win. I think Aqualung would make more sense to do on the YouTube channel, myself. But you can do it here. Remember: Get Steven Wilson's remix, because it's splendid! Very faithful to the original. But a BIG, BIG improvement in the sound. Original mix: dull and muffled. Remix: clean and clear.

Jim Reeves

I voted for Songs From the Wood for the reasons noted above. I love Aqualung and all JT albums of course. I'd love to hear a review of Broadsword and the Beast too. "By the way, which one's Jethro?" LOL


The poll is for the entire album, not just the song itself. I know that the song is overplayed compared to the rest, but that is what people look for and Doug does have to take viewer numbers in to consideration.


I don't listen to my Tull CDs very often anymore, but I remember loving "My God" and the short acoustic songs. I've heard more than enough recordings and live performances of Aqualung, Locomotive Breath, and Cross-Eyed Mary. But the lesser known album tracks contain some gold.

Edward Wright

Aqualung was not only interesting musically, it was their biggest commercial success. What gave it such broad appeal? I would love Doug's take.


As much as I love (and even prefer) Aqualung and Songs from the Wood, I really hope A Passion Play comes out on top, as it's the most musically challenging of their albums, so I feel like Doug would have more to say about it.


100% agree, George. I think even Crest of a Knave is interesting in that way. Jethro Tull (or Ian, if you will) is at its best when they turn the corner to something new. In any case, Doug, if you do A Passion Play, please react to the 2014 Extended Performance Stereo Remix by Steven Wilson. It's really that much better. So many nuances pulled from the masters, you wouldn't believe it.


Shame to see we not are taking the opportunity to look at an extended masterpiece like Passion Play, would also be great to see Doug’s response to “the hare that lost its spectacles” 😂


Hey y'all...rest assured this won't be the last JT Extended Play. If your album doesn't win this time, please be patient! I appreciate the passion for this band. I've reached out to the band's US publicist with an interview request. I'm hoping to score something for the upcoming album.

Bryan Sheehan

I have no doubt Doug will check out more of JT. He's obviously a fan, and we won't let him forget, right everyone? lol


Guess they will be keen, new album out end of month

Alex Libia

A Passion Play is going to blow Doug's mind