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As we start off the new year, I've narrowed the bands I'd like to start with to these two...King Crimson and Led Zeppelin. So, your task is simple. Which band would you rather see included in the first Extended Play Lounge of 2022? 

Once we have a winner, we'll pick the album. 

Merry Christmas, y'all! Happy voting.


Richard Karbowski

I'm voting for Crimson. If I had to pick an album , I would suggest Lizard. It is probably my favorite of theirs and includes some vocals from Jon Anderson.

Scott Friedman

Zeppelin for sure. The live version of dazed and confused 😂😂😂

Einaras Sipavičius

I would normally vote for Led Zeppelin, I feel that they lack coverage on your channel (unless you're already familiar with most of their output), but you chose one of my favorite bands as opposition. The problem that stops me from voting for Led Zeppelin is that I feel majority will vote for Led Zeppelin IV or Physical Graffiti when I really want you to react to more overlooked gems like Led Zeppelin III or Presence. And in the case of King Crimson, I would be happy with almost everything, there's a lot to discover in their discography. So I'm voting for King Crimson this time. P.S. Just a quick reminder that Van der Graaf Generator fans are also waiting! A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers was a while ago, you need to react to more!

Bryan Sheehan

I'm a big fan of both, but I've listened to a LOT of Zeppelin in my day and loved every minute of it. Listening to KC much more these days. My favorite era was the Wetton years. The Great Deceiver, Red or Starless And Bible Black.


For me there is no competition, It would have to be King Crimson and in particular the album Discipline with Adrian Belew, the most amazing guitarist and vocalist ever to grace the King Crimson line-up. Everybody rattles on about In The Court Of The Crimson King but technically it isn't a patch on Discipline.


Fracture by King Crimson.

Aaron West

I hope that whichever loses this poll is the choice for the following extended play. Both terrific choices.

Andrew Perrine

Definitely voting King Crimson. If they win, it might be good to have an intermediate poll for "era" (roughly decade) of KC, to narrow down the choice of album.


Oh I would have to second the vote on reviewing Discipline by King Crimson. It is an entirely new era of the band and focuses on a much more progressive and rhythmic direction.

Mike D

I love both bands, but have to go with KC, as their music is far more complex, and will benefit greatly from Doug's insight. I'd recommend one of their later albums, as their music evolved greatly over time: "The Power to Believe", or "the construKCtion of light" would be awesome selections... plus, I'd love to see the looks on Doug's face when he hears "The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum" for the first time. :-)


You can’t screw this up, physical graffiti is a no brainer!!!


Another vote for King Crimson, and Discipline, here.


One of the things I like most about your videos is your perspective as a composer. You analyze the music and try to get what makes it tick. For that reason I'd love to see you tackle King Crimson's 3rd studio album entitled "Lizard." I believe it to be one of Robert Fripp's greatest and most ambitious achievements. It's very unusual, not as approachable as In the Court of the Crimson King, for which reason Lizard was never one of their more popular albums. As with most King Crimson works, it's filled with intricate arrangements, strange, but poignant lyrics, and melodies sometimes beautiful, and sometimes dark and foreboding. I absolutely hated it when I first heard it at the age of 13. But in the many years since then it has become my favorite of all their works.


I would highly recommend King Crimson’s albums “Starless and Bible Black” or “Discipline”. “SABB” is an interesting one because it mixes some live and studio work seamlessly. Plus it has the amazing piece “Fracture” which I’m dying to hear you analyze.

Zsuzsanna Vázsonyi

As much as I like Led Zeppelin, I really do..., but I LOVE King Crimson, so voting wasn't difficult for me this time. 😎


i'd have to second "Starless" and maybe add "Red" though i'd love to hear Doug on any of them

Dave Vick

No contest... Crimson. My favorite album is probably either 'Discipline' or 'Beat,' but really, any Crimson at all beats Led Zeppelin hands-down.

Richard Moore

Normally I would choose King Crimson, but since Doug hasn't done any Zeppelin yet (that I know of), I decided to favor "new to the channel". A smaller number of albums to choose from...maybe Houses of the Holy would be my pick.


Can't go wrong with either of these two... but (as my pfp might suggest) I definetely voted for KC. The choice is hard though... if you wanna listen to the only 20 minute suite that Fripp ever wrote go with Lizard , one of my all-times favorite music pieces , a true masterpiece from a great album (Islands comes next and its an even better album!). Islands is King Crimson at its most romantic but if you want to dig into what the KC beast actually sounds like then go with either : Larks' Tongues in Aspic , Starless and Bible Black or Red , either one of these is fine albeit Starless And Bible Black its a bit more on the experimental/improvised side (but then you have Fracture which is a MUST). From the 80's era Discipline is the way to go but also Beat is a very good choice (or the live album Absent Lovers) , they are completely different sounding from the past with a lot of fun mathematics going on. From the 90's I'd recommend the Level Five live album which contains the most beautiful rendition of The Construkction of Light imo , they generally sound much better live than studio in this era , richer sound and beautiful improvisations... I prefer the 90's incarnation to the 80's for the live stuff alone (especially the side projects called simply "Projekcts"). Sorry for the overly-long message but its my favorite band and I thought that some directions might help to avoid "weak" albums ^_^ (almost none tho).

Richard Moore

Discipline will be my choice if it's on the final ballot. And Doug already has done Court.


Oh I forgot about In The Wake Of Poseidon! Their second album , beautiful and more sophisticated than In The Court Of The Crimson King ...it's like his older brother with some similar sounding tunes and a recurring ...theme... throughout the album which ties It together perfectly.

Randy Hammill

King Crimson, but which album. There are short periods where a few albums are similar, but there are really so many different eras. And live, especially the improv-heavy era of ‘73-‘74 is entirely different from studio material. Ultimately, Crimson is a live band.

Stop Propaganda

KC and the album "Discipline" would be nice ... Adrian Belew is ex-Zappa genius!


I vote Math Rock, King Crimson. I want to challenge Doug to breakdown the diffrent time signatures for the song Discipline.


Oh yes - Discipline, definitely. Fabulous album.


I'm a zepper, but if Zep wins I would advise that Doug tries to find some score for it or something, so that he can give a bit more of an analysis to it. There's already a lot said about Zep, so for Doug to get an angle, I think he needs more than just straight reaction.

Frits van Voorst

I love both, but from a compositorial point of view KC is more interesting, without any doubt. They seem to get the most votes anyway. For albums to include in the next vote I'd suggest Larks Tongues in Aspic, Red, Discipline, Thrak and The Power to Believe. All great albums, without exception. My favorite would be Red. Doug has already reacted to Starless, but the studio version on this album is way better imo than the recent live version. It also gives the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the construction of this absolute gem.

Scot Poland

KC. I feel like there’s more for a trained theorist to seize on, as much as I love Zep. Similarly, my album recommendation has to take this factor into account. So: Lizard (for the Lizard Suite) or SABB (for Fracture).

Scot Poland

…. and I hope Doug will someday do an album reaction to either Renaissance or Gryphon!


It would actually help to know which album, but I understand why you're doing it this way. IMO, KC's best albums are better than LZ's, but their worst albums are worse. So I'm voting LZ. Tough choice tho, and I'll be happy either way.

Michael Kramer

King Krimson Epithaph or Talk to the wind with Greg Lake as singer and bassist.

Claudio Fernandes

Please react to Red or Lark's Tongues in Aspic

DJ Black

I tend to favor the "older" KC stuff--with the exception of their "In the Wake of Poseidon".


My advice would be to start in 1969 with In The Court Of The Crimson King-An Observation By King Crimson because very few bands debut an absolute masterpiece 10/10. They literally launched Prog without the term being invented yet.

Dennis Perkins

Red would be great. Starless and Bible Black even better.

Joseph Riordan

I would love to see Doug do a couple of songs off the album ‘Hejira’ by Joni Mitchell.

Ray Sincere

For this channel, for this genre, for the kind of music you've been focusing on thus far, definitely King Crimson. Led Zeppelin's more of a blues-based boogie band. When I think of The Daily Doug, I think of complex chords, not straight-forward boogie.

Frits van Voorst

Btw, funny to see that people (me included) already prelude on the KC album choice. But not really surprising: with 13 so far uncovered studio albums to choose from and probably only 5 or 6 in the upcoming poll, it's of some importance that the 'right' ones are in it.

Paul Hoyle

Please review Discipline or Red Doug.


D, all the above.


At the risk of pissing off the 1970's KC crowd, I have to push for the Discipline, Beat, and Three of a Perfect Pair era. ALL incarnations of KC are great, but there's something truly special about those records. And, yes, I'm a MASSIVE Tony Levin fan, so there ya go!

Adam Owens

Islands is absolutely incredible, or Lark’s Tongues in Aspic!

Glenn Wo

King Crimson will just be blocked


I would like to see Red as the album reaction since you reacted to Starless already, but any KC reactions make me a happy camper.

Adrian Goodrich

Would like to hear Doug and KC, if Doug can get round the blocking!

Arpeggio Blues

King Crimson : "The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum" King Crimson: "The Great Deceiver"

Joseph Riordan

Kate Bush, Hounds of Love would be great!


For something orchestral from Frank Zappa, the 'YELLOW SHARK" is a sublime and phenomenal work!


Zappa's orchestral narration 'The Adventures of Greggery Peccary' is like a modern 'Peter and the Wolf' , telling the adventurous story of a peccary that works in an advertising agency and invents the calendar. Musically highly enjoyable and sooo entertaining

Frits van Voorst

Doug: King Crimson or Led Zeppelin? Frank Reimann: Frank Zappa! 😄


"In the Wake of Poseidon" would be a great song to react to.


Would love to hear larks tongue in aspic pt1 and 2




I think Lizard would be interesting, merry Christmas Doug & Megan.

Ray Sincere

And it's King Crimson by a landslide! I'm working my way through the discography now to see which albums are the best. I haven't quite listened to Red yet, but when I was singing in a progressive rock band that never went anywhere, the guitar player and boss of the band would put on Red when we were having a break, and those climbing scales and angry guitar riffs in the opening track left an impression on me. So maybe do that one.

David Crossen

If you are going to do a whole album then "Starless and Bible Black" (especially the longest track "Fracture") "Lark's Tongues in Aspic". or "Red" (although you've already done the track "Starless", albeit an inferior live version).