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Hello All,

We had close voting in both rounds of this poll for Episode 5. But, Fragile by Yes won out with 97 votes over Tales From Topographic Oceans (which had 92).

I'm behind a bit from being away from home last week. But, I'll get this one recorded and uploaded as soon as I'm able this week. As I look again at the track listing, I'm not familiar with any titles except for Roundabout. Looking forward to this album!




This one is going to be awesome, I can already tell

Bryan Tursk

This one will be great and I'd recommend a toke or 2 with a bourbon sipper


Closer than I thought it would be! I like TFTO but it’s a little long and the standout tracks from Fragile are some of their best songs IMO. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts Doug!

Richard Karbowski

I voted for the Yes Album, but I am OK with Fragile, Especially Heart of the Sunrise and South Side of the Sky! Just got back from ProgStock in Rahway New Jersey. It was a good time with good music and good people.

Ben Allen

Heart of the Sunrise is magical.


I can't believe so any people are trying to inflict Tales on you. I love prog, but even I think that one kind of got away from them in the writing phase.

Andy Ambrose

Fragile was the album that got me into Yes...TFTO is highly underrated and I'm sure you like The Revealing Science Of God and Ritual, but I'm still listening to it after 45 years and still hear new things...

Estefanía Sucre

If you tell me that Doug is doing a reaction on Fragile I will be very excited. But since I know that it is because I'm not getting a Tales reaction, I feel kinda sad. Please, Doug: Do also a Tales reaction soon! I'm begging you! I was dreaming about that!

Estefanía Sucre

Maybe you don't like Tales, but there are many of us that simply love it. Do not use "inflict", that's a heavy word.

Rick Morse

The opening "mantra" of Tales is something I can still recite / sing from memory, and I find it a most captivating and enjoyable "affliction". While humming it one morning in Grade 12 English class, the teacher asked me to sing it out loud (hoping to embarrass me?). When I stood and went through it, the look on her face was something I'll always enjoy remembering.

Frits van Voorst

One remark: if you want a great version of Chris' bass solo 'The Fish': try the Yessongs live album. No overdubbing there and great playing.


I do think it's better to hear Fragile or the Yes Album before going to Tales. Tales is great but there are dead spaces (and I've lost a little bit of love for the Ancient over the years, but gained more love for Ritual). Fragile is more accessible and has all the things new and experienced people love about Yes. Cheers!

Paul t hebert

You will enjoy south side of the sky.


Totally. That middle section with piano and vocal harmonies... ❤

Joey Wise

I agree with previous commenters. I love everything about tales. I understand it has lots of “musical padding” but I love it nonetheless. It’s really hard to get into, i had to listen to every track multiple times before i let it take me on a journey. It really takes a while of listening to understand. But I wholeheartedly recommend it!

David Crossen

I also love Tales. I don't agree about the "padding" comments. It is about giving the music the space and development time it deserves. I've read many comments which essentially say that it would have made a great single album, but I think so much of its power and atmosphere would have been lost.