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It's been a crazy year doing these vlog videos. I recognized today that it was a year ago that I started this vlog. So, I'm taking you behind the scenes for a quick 'react' to my first episode. I also share some of my struggles and triumphs.

Thanks for being here.



Behind The Scenes - Episode 2.mp4

This is "Behind The Scenes - Episode 2.mp4" by Doug Helvering on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Shawn Hegarty

Happy Anniversary, Doug. I'd love to share some herb with you. Cheers 🌿🔥

Garance A Drosehn

You mentioned how you never listened to music when you got home, because that had been what you were working on all day. I've found it interesting how many full-time musicians I've heard who say that the music they listen to at home is absolutely nothing like the music they're well-known for.


Up for all of those thoughts you keep mentioning! Keep up the good work. So nice to relax to and enjoy the Daily Doug after work.

Garance A Drosehn

Looks like the first episode of your channel which I noticed was the one for "Reacts to Ghost Love Score (Nightwish) — (Episode 52)", the second one was "Reacts to Trains (Porcupine Tree) -- (Episode 88)", and the third one was "Reacts to Storytime (Nightwish) — (Episode 101)". But I didn't start watching regularly until "Reacts to The Count of Tuscany (Dream Theater) — (Episode 118)". Great songs!

Andrew Lamont

The difference a year can make... Thanks for everything Doug, you're a trooper!

Illume Eltanin

Happy Anniversary, Dr. Doug! Can you give us some information on your intro jingle? With so many vocal groups not gathering, I'm curious who the vocalists are? Is it you over multiple tracks?


Ha! It’s me singing 4 parts. I needed a jingle, so I wrote one. I’ll post the sheet music tomorrow

Barbara Hughes

We just watched this! I can really see how the light in your eyes has come back, and that’s just wonderful! Hooray for your journey - I feel we’ve all been on similar journeys - and so glad to be tagging along on yours!

Bryan Tursk

Thanks for sharing. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on spirituality... religion... education... philosophies of life... etc. The more I learned in undergrad the more I learned I don't know. Amyway, Looking forward to the next extended play too.


Pretty fun thing. Just wanted to say that yes indeed, I got into Patreon because and only because of you. I had other creators I wanted to support, but as soon as I heard "the patrons will get to see my reaction to Scenes From A Memory I said "oh hell no, I got to be there...." Fun fact, I have yet to watch it. I want to share that experience with my wife who isn't much of a fan, but loves me enough to go to a DT concert

Wolfgang Brunner

I‘m touched. And impressed. As a amateur choir singer I would like to know more about „your“ choir and the good and bad things happened/happening. Happy anniversary! It was a very good idea to start this.

Zsuzsanna Vázsonyi

Doug, happy anniversary! I enjoyed this video a lot. You really went through a hard time, but life is back not just into your eyes, but into your whole being. Thank you so much for your work, what you do for us. I heard a lot of great music here which I didn't know before and your reactions were the first one I really enjoyed on YouTube. I can be only grateful, because I found a great friend in this community, it started with Hungarian folk music and now we are talking on a daily basis. Though we are on both sides of the ocean, there's a beautiful friendship between us. Thank you, Doug! ❤️

Frits van Voorst

Thanks for sharing. It's good to see that you're in a better shape than 365 days ago. And still doing a great job! The patreon thing is new to me too: the blocked KC edition being the main reason (btw, you SHOULD also listen to the studio version of Starless. Really. It only takes 10+ minutes of your life and it's thé perfect version of this song imo). I hope there will be many more Daily Dougs. Keep your balance. 👍👍

Sian Podmore

Congratulations Doug! What a difference this year and doing these vlogs has made to you personally and all the others whose lives you've touched. I bet last year's Doug didn't imagine what that little video would lead to. It was a fortuitous day when YouTube threw up your reaction to Close to the Edge, and I went 'Yeah? Let's see what mister classical composer makes of that! Ha! He's going to get his pants blown off.' Then you blew my mind with 'Octavarium" and so much other great music that I hadn't come across (because, yes, I have been living in a hole for 40 years). I love your heartfelt and personal approach to the music you present, your feelings towards it and your thoughts around each song's meaning. I understood that things were difficult for you when you started doing these, but never realised you were having such a tough time. I'm happy to hear anything regarding your background that you are willing to share. You do look so much brighter and happier than you did then (and if I may say so, you seem to have lost a few pounds too) and you have such a positive,joyful attitude, all I can say is...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMQ1fOEucLk

Marcos de Brum Lopes

Congratulatoins Doug. It's been fun to follow your channel and patreon. And you're right, it's the very first time I subscribe to such a community since my departure from the James Labrie forum about 10 years ago (that was a neat community as well). My first Daily Doug was Illumination Theory by DT, so deep thoughts you shared with us on that one! And yesterday's Ghost of Tom Joad spoke volumes to my soul. That's why I'm along for the ride, I find in your reactions a very pleasing balance between tech, science and sentiment. Plus I get to laugh a lot sometimes (the Frank Zappa Inca Roads one for example). Keep going. Cheers.


It' funny, isn't it...when I was in undergrad, I was confident that I knew what was going on...by the end of my doctorate, I was sure that I didn't know a damn thing. You can find some of my thoughts on my early Daily Doug episodes before I was doing reactions, but I can speak on some of this in the future.


My specific choir is the choir I lead at my church. We typically do a song or two each week while we're in season (September - May). We haven't met in person since early March 2020. And, we have decided to delay singing as a group this fall.


Thank you. I remember driving across Hungary in 2000 with my college choir...a beautiful country with wonderful people.


Happy Anniversary Doug !! I've been following you for the last 4+ months. It's one of my 'daily' routines to check and see what you've been up to.. it's part of my daily wake-up. I get so much joy watching you react to music I grew up with, still listen to and love dearly. I have to admit, the time you listened to Awaken and when you listened to Close to the Edge, your reaction got me teary-eyed. Tears of Joy, ya know. I am glad our paths crossed, and you're a part of my day/week. Be well, and stay safe and of course stay sane (*the bong will always lead you to a mellow place* 420 rules)


No. Thank You Doug. You are my very first Patreon and it's well worth, not just for the content, but with the interaction on Discord with other fellow members. People ask me why I don't like mainstream, and it's not that the music is bad. It's that these other incredible band don't get the recognition they deserve. Being able to share our thoughts on these lesser known bands with other who like similar music is something I have been needing. So again. Thank you.


I feel like I need to say something in response to this post and some feedback I gave last week. At this point in my life I became completely numb to politics. I also work in higher-ed and I have learned it's better to just do your work and react just as a robot when it comes to real life interaction and work. Sad isn't it. I sit in the middle pretty much everywhere across the board and I can't deal with each side being at each other's throats anymore. I made an effort to get rid of all social media, watching news, having discussions as it regards to politics because it is getting us no where and I just felt angry all the time. I have been using music as a way out and it has been helping. I don't need that stress in my life.

Garance A Drosehn

Maybe start a second channel, "The Random-Release Doug", where you'd tackle non-music topics. 🙂

Peter Tutak

Without going into detail, I suffered a similar, life-changing event 34 years ago. It took awhile to 'crawl from the wreckage', but crawl from it I did, and very successfully. It takes time, strength, resilience, and courage, but eventually happiness and fulfillment do come back, and in surprising abundance. I wish you the same degree of success.


Doug, Your channel is absolutely the best. I find you apologizing for talking too much. Don't! The background you add to the music, songwriters and performers makes it all the more interesting. The YouTube copyright bots tracking you should be praising for promoting sales for the artists. I know requests are endless. I would be interested in hearing your reaction to Focus 1971 release of Moving Waves. It was remastered in 2020. "Janis" is a 3 minute cut, incredibly beautiful with flutes. 23 minute final track based on mythical Orpheus is awesome. Hope your membership continues to grow.

Charles Hill

Would you occasionally do book reviews some when? Suggestion The Salt Path by Raynor Winn, a true story about when the shit its the fan - well a few of them at the same time

Ben Forrester

I’m a new patron! I greatly appreciate your genuineness. I’ve thought of starting up my own vlog/YouTube channel for similar reasons that you started the Daily Doug. Perhaps I should stop overthinking it and just do it! Thanks for your openness and cool takes. P.S. more Dream Theater please? ;)