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Hi all,

I'm sorry for the issues surrounding our first major video! YouTube has struck again. Their bots issued 13 separate copyright claims (and blocked distribution) as the video uploaded. I had to submit 13 different copyright disputes to get it temporarily unblocked. But, overnight, it got re-blocked worldwide.

So, I have invested in a new Vimeo account and am uploading the full Metropolis video there as we speak. As soon as it finished uploading and processing, I'll make a new post here to make it available.

Thanks again for your support and for being a part of this community.




No prob, worth the wait I’m sure 😎


Thanks for the update Doug! We can wait :)

Khaled Akbik

No worries my man. Do your thing. We’ll be standing by 🤘🏼

prog mushroom

Thanks Doug. There is also https://odysee.com/ to host videos if this kind of shit happens again 👍


Thanks for the update, we can be patient! :)

Glenn Wo

yay! Gonna bottle up something fun for this!

Aidan McDonald

Thanks a bunch, Doug! Looking forward to it 🤘🏻

Andy Ambrose

Going to be worth the wait Doug...thx


Its gonna be worth the wait! Thanks for the persistence Doug!


Man, guess I was lucky to get to see the whole thing when first posted. Was a good excuse to take a lengthy break from reflooring my house. Thanks for that. 😊

Rhesus Perplexus

I had poured a glass of Curmudgeon ahead of time, so I just put on an album and drank it anyway. Worked out well. my trusty bottle and I will wait patiently. No worries!


We wait. Hope it will be soon👌

Frank Katzenberger

I wonder if things like the album cover, not enough pauses, etc, contribute to this. Also including the raw track to improve render time caused this.

Dag Blix

Although I love content like this, I dont always disagree with the CC's. Reactors are using other peoples work for profit. Even if its not money. Youtube has no rights as a platform to use a product that say EMI own. On the other side I only think its positive publicity, but not all see it like that. For example I think Nightwish has grown enormously through the reactor scene on youtube. Exposing new people to the magnetism of Floor. But they still make a CC here and there.


I would be willing to share revenue with artists and their publishers up to an agreed threshold, but the way YouTube is now (and the way they're thinking of going) has this revenue sharing completely backwards.